Page 91 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 91

僅止於滿足當地需求,還是爭取成為亞                                成為新聞焦點,例如東元集團就爆出會長跟
              太中心?                                             兒子爭奪所有權的問題。
                  陳歷世認為,台灣對家族辦公室的需求                            公室產業,但台灣若要成為該產業的亞太重
              已超乎以往,「台灣正在經歷一場巨大的代                              鎮,會面臨許多挑戰,因為香港跟新加坡目

              際財富轉移。家族辦公室可以讓企業主將財                              前的優勢相當穩固。「新加坡的優勢甚至高
              富留到下一代,繼續投資台灣經濟。」他認                              過香港,因為該國執法相當公正,而且似乎
              為,「許多成功的台灣企業都是從家族企業                              已經成為了亞太地區的關鍵支點,非常適合
              開始的,而家族企業的治理模式通常比較傳                              成為家族辦公室的亞太基地。」
              統,在擴大規模、布局全球時也經常會面臨                                   Roll表示,台灣微妙的地緣政治位置,可
              挑戰。」                                             能會讓想要投資家族辦公室的人三思。這些
                  由家族辦公室幫忙理財,可以讓台灣的                            人總是以非常長遠的眼光來衡量風險,「亞
              家族企業避免陷入直接混戰。這幾個月來,                              太需要第二個家族辦公室樞紐嗎?答案很可
              許多豪門的內部糾紛以及董事會動盪都已經                              能是否定的。」

              is preserved and remains onshore invested in Taiwan’s   already well established. “Singapore is winning, even
              economy,” he said. “Many successful Taiwanese    when compared to Hong Kong,” he said. “Since it is
              firms start out as family businesses. The problem is a   impartial, and tries to strike a balance between things,
              family business traditionally faces challenges when it   Singapore is very suited to be a hub.”
              attempts to increase in scale, expands globally, and in   Rolls said Taiwan’s delicate geopolitical situation
              terms of governance,” he said.                   may cause family investors to think twice about setting

                  Such added structures could help Taiwanese   up an office in the country since they calculate risk on
              family firms avoid some of their more public battles. A   very long-term time horizons. “Does Asia need another
              couple of prominent family feuds and their boardroom   regional hub though? The answer is probably no,” said
              coups have played out in the public eye in recent   Rolls.
              months, including one involving contentions over joint   Yet Cottorone begs to differ for a couple of
              ownership between a father and son over tech firms   reasons. “The first reason is the influx of family offices
              TECO and Ceative Sensor.                         in Singapore. This is in part because of investment
                  Rolls concurred that when it comes to Taiwan’s   and political concerns in China and to some extent,
              local scene, there is a need for greater government   Hong Kong,” he said.

              support for the local scene. Yet he said it would be   Singaporean wealth managers have indeed
              very challenging to take that to the regional level   reported a steep rise in the number of Chinese clients
              though and that both Hong Kong and Singapore are   opening family offices in recent months. Instability

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.6月號 91

   1          5%     JOEE
   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96