Page 93 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 93


              技業也相當了解,經常在等待併購機會、投資                             們比較重感情,」R o l l表示,「每個家族企
              新創股權,甚至直接入股。」此外,這些年                              業都有故鄉,他們不會忘記孕育自己的土
              輕世代對環境、社會及治理(ESG)也更有興                            地。」(本文作者現為駐台記者,也是智庫
              趣,願意投資相關產業來改善環境。                                 專家、播客和通訊平台Policy  People的創始

                  R o l l最後說到,家族辦公室在投資的時                       人,目前是台灣非政府組織亞太青年協會的
              候,似乎比其他類型的基金更負責任。「他                              國際公關總監;譯者為劉維人)

              they are also looking to expand and are  becoming   coming back and know how to invest. They are
              increasingly adventurous in their investment     also savvy to  Taiwan’s local tech scene and

              approach, and participating in innovative parts of   want to participate in M&As, startup equity and
              the economy. “Venture capital has been one of the   take direct stakes at times.” Cottorone said the
              most profitable asset classes in recent years, and   younger generation is also more interested in
              family offices are very active in the space”, added   Environmental Sustainable Governance (ESG)
              Roll.                                            issues  and  making a positive change through
                  Cottorone agrees, and notes this change can   investment.
              be seen in Taiwan too. “The next generation  of      Roll believes family offices are becoming
              these families have shown they may approach      more inclined toward responsible investing when
              investment strategies and opportunities different   compared to other types of funds. “They (family

              than their parents did,” he said. “This second   offices) have emotions,” Rolls added. “All families
              generation is well educated and many of them     come from somewhere and they don’t forget their local
              studied finance overseas,” he notes. “They are   community.”

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.6月號 93

   1          5%     JOEE
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98