Page 88 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 88

               Special Issue





                                                                                            撰文:Liam Gibson

                    灣政府正在思考如何發展及監理家族辦                          (Chris  Cottorone)對《台灣銀行家》表示:
              台 公室(Family  Office),目前還不知道台                     「問題在於,很少資訊可以顯示全國有多少家

              灣的目標,應該設定為滿足台灣人的需求,盡                             族辦公室,很難了解該產業目前的規模。」
              目前很少處理這類業務,家族辦公室大多處於                             政府應該將家族辦公室納入法制
                  目前光是要整理出該產業的全國基本概況                                台灣的法律目前還沒像其他地方那樣,
              就很困難,為台灣政府提供相關諮詢的陳歷世                             把家族辦公室列為一種獨立的投資機構。陳

              Can Taiwan become a new hub for family offices?

              There is a yawning gap in Taiwan’s private wealth management industry that is waiting
              to be filled – family offices. Despite Taiwanese entrepreneurs’ proclivity toward operating
              family businesses, a family office ecosystem that then preserves and expands their
              hard-won fortunes for future generations has yet to emerge.

                  aiwan’s government is mulling over how to         Even establishing basic facts about Taiwan’s
              Tbest regulate and develop family offices, yet it   family office scene is hard. “The problem is there is not
              remains unclear whether the country should simply   a lot of information here about how many family offices

              aim to satisfy local demand, or if possible, aim   there are, that means it is hard to get a handle on
              higher to become a regional hub. Taiwan is starting   the scope of the industry here,” Chris Cottorone, who
              from a low base. The family office space here is   advises Taiwan’s government about family offices, told
              nascent and underregulated.                      The Taiwan Banker.

         88   台灣銀行家2022.6月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93