Page 89 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 89


              歷世認為這造成了許多問題,某些人利用對                              業家族服務的Martin Roll指出,「為家族辦公
              沖基金同時為好幾個家族理財,藉此逃避監                              室制定專用的法律框架非常重要,這能使其

              理。陳歷世建議台灣把家族辦公室獨立列為                              專業化和透明化,家族辦公室的老闆和經理
              一類,其他國際專家也表贊同。                                   人也都希望有清楚的法規可以依循。」這樣
                  位於新加坡家族辦公室,專門為亞洲企                            一來,他們就能走上檯面。

              Legalize it                                      and business families, told The Taiwan Banker. “One
                                                               reason is to professionalize the industry and make it
                  Taiwan has not yet classified family offices as   transparent. Family office owners and managers want
              a separate category of investment entity the way   to work under the rule of law.” It also brings them out
              other jurisdictions have. That has led to considerable   of the shadows.
              confusion, with some taking advantage of the overlap   “Family offices want to be recognized for what
              between hedge funds and multi-family offices to avoid   they are,” Rolls added. “Family offices  want  to  be
              oversight, Cottorone said. Cottorone recommends   recognized for what they are,” Roll added. “In
              Taiwan create a separate classification for family   the past, they may have been wrapped in myth

              offices. Other international experts agree.      and mystery, but they want to gain respect and
                  “It’s very important to have a legal framework   deserve to be recognized for their impact investing,
              specific for family offices,” Martin Roll, a Singapore-  philanthropy, and other contributions they make to
              based family office advisor who specializes in Asia   broader society.”

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.6月號 89

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