Page 90 - NO.150銀行家雜誌
P. 90

               Special Issue

                  Martin  Roll表示,「家族辦公室希望得到                    文縟節。陳歷世表示,「某些人建議台灣可
              認可,他們過去往往像是某種不可言說的秘                              以讓針對單一家族的家族辦公室,獲得資
              密,但他們希望獲得尊重,並因為他們對於                              產管理證照。但是,申請這種證照的成本可
              投資、慈善,以及其他社會上的貢獻而獲得                              能很高,申請流程複雜,會產生額外費用。
              認可。」                                             而新加坡與香港的家族辦公室都沒有這些

                  不過陳歷世表示,除了法律框架外,台                            問題。」台灣的證照申請成本, 會 讓 財 富
              灣的稅率也是另一個障礙。台灣的稅率高,                              管理人才離開台灣,前往這些監理寬鬆的管
              「讓很多成功的企業家把財富留在海外。」                              轄區。
              他認為台灣需要修改稅率,讓它既能吸引資                                   Martin Roll也提醒,「家族辦事處在設立
              本回流,又能維持國家預算。此外,目前台                              基地時,也會選擇那些充滿金融人才與資產
              灣的金融業比較像韓國和日本,是為了支持                              管理專家以及產業生態系完善的地方,來培
              大型製造業。但香港和新加坡都已經把支持                              育這類的專業員工。」像是新加坡的家族辦
              重心轉向金融和房地產。                                      公室,就已經利用豐富的人力資源以及新加
                  不僅如此,台灣申請金融執照還充滿繁                            坡的金融中心地位,建立了一整個產業鏈。

                  Besides legal classification, Cottorone says   that the costs of licensing here will draw wealth
              Taiwan’s tax rate is another barrier. “This has meant   management talent away from Taiwan and to those
              many of Taiwan’s successful business families keep   lightly-regulated jurisdictions.
              their wealth offshore,” he said. He said setting a tax   “Families also choose to set up offices based
              rate that incentivizes the reshoring of capital while   on where you can find financial talent, asset
              sustaining the national budget will be a challenge.   managers, and where there is an ecosystem to

              He notes Taiwan’s financial sector is more like South   support and train these kinds of professionals,”
              Korea’s or Japan’s since it supports a large industrial   Roll said, noting how family offices in Singapore
              and manufacturing base, whereas Hong Kong and    have become a sector all of their own due to the
              Singapore are more focused on the financial and   abundant human resources and Singapore’s role
              property industries.                             as a financial hub.
                  Red tape is another issue. “Some have proposed
              single-family offices (for one family) obtain an Type   Regional or local?
              9 regulated activity (asset management) license to
              operate in Taiwan. The cost of such a license can     Cottorone says there is a pressing need for

              be high, making it an added expense and a more   family offices here now more than ever. “Taiwan
              complex procedure,” he said. “Family offices in neither   is going through a huge inter-generational wealth
              Singapore nor Hong Kong need that,” he said, adding   transfer and family offices can help ensure that wealth

         90   台灣銀行家2022.6月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95