Page 117 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 117

第四章  信用狀  101

                                      Article 26 (UCP500) places no obligation on the part of the issuer of the
                                  multimodal transport document to specify the modes of transport used. On the

                                  basis that the credit required the presentation of a  multimodal transport
                                  document and such document Complied  with the provision of Article 26

                                  (UCP500) and the terms specified in the letter of Credit, a bank is not required
                                  to seek confirmation that more than one mode of Shipment was effected.

                                      信用狀統一慣例 (UCP500) 第 26 條未規定複合運送單據簽發人須

                                  的提示,而此單據已符合信用狀統一慣例 (UCP500)  第 26 條之條款及


                                      國際商會又在 ISBP (2007) 第 68 項解說如下
                                      68. If a credit  requires presentation of a  transport document covering

                                  transportation utilizing at  least two  modes of transport (multimodal or

                                  combined transport document), and if the transport document clearly shows
                                  that it covers a shipment from the place of taking in charge or port, airport or

                                  place of loading to the place of final destination mentioned in the credit, UCP
                                  600  article  19 is applicable. In such circumstances, the  transport document

                                  must not indicate that shipment or dispatch has been  effected by only one
                                  mode of transport, but it  may be silent regarding the  modes of transport


                                  據 (複合或聯合運送單據),且若運送單據清楚顯示其涵蓋自信狀規定之
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