Page 354 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-參篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 354

340  進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析  (參篇)

                      The Bank Ltd.

                      TRUST RECEIPT
                      Please note this No.


                       Importer:                  Drawn Under L/C No.     Amount of Draft

                                                                        Their Ref. No.
                      Negotiated by                               Date:

                    Drawer    Draft No.   Date of Draft   Commission   Postage   Date Retired

                    Draft   Invoice   Cons.   Ins.   B/L   Supplier’s   Pkg.    Supplier’s   Cert.   Insp.
                                   Inv.        P.Post   Cert.   List   Cert.   Orig.   Cert.

                      Shipped per s.s.
                      Covering shipment of


                    Bill of Lading   No.            No.               Name of Vessel
   349   350   351   352   353   354   355   356   357   358   359