Page 203 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-參篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 203

第二章  信用狀、押匯文件製作相關疑難問題  189

                                  所謂「符合之提示」依 UCP600 第 2 條之定義「意指依照信用狀條


                             一、依 L/C 規定之指定銀行,審查押匯單據時,僅須以單據為本,依下

                                  列之順序:1. L/C 上之規定,2. UCP600,3. ISBP 審查提示之單據是

                             二、惟 ISBP 依台灣金融研訓院出版之 UCP600 註釋第 12 頁「但所謂國
                                  際標準銀行實務並非僅限於國際商會第 681 出版物國際標準銀行實

                                  務  (ISBP)  所規範的審單實務,尚包括除審單以外於信用狀交易中常

                                  來之解釋案例 DOCDEX 之紛爭案例。

                                  據此,茲將國際商會之解釋及 ISBP (2013) 745 之解釋,供參考:
                                  1. ICC 意見:

                                    “By  requesting an insurance document to be endorsed in blank, the
                                    issuing  bank  is  seeking  to  receive  a  document  which  is  capable  of

                                    transfer by means of completion of the endorsement, i.e. the assured
                                    party(holder)would  become  the  issuing  bank  or  the  applicant.  A

                                    document issued to "bearer" has the same effect as transfer of title by

                                    endorsement  as  the  holder(presenter  of  the  document  to  the  claims
                                    settling  agent  would  be  classified  as  the  assured  party)There  is  no

                                    -【ICC Publication No.613,June 2000,R322】
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