Page 296 - 次貸風暴下的省思-解開CDS及CDO密碼
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            1.   參閱  John C. Hull and Alan White (2000)  “  Valuing Credit Default Swaps I: No
               Counterparty Default Risk  ”  ;  The Journal of Derivatives,

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            3.  2.   參閱  Iddo Yekutieli  “  Pricing Credit Default Swaps  ”  , Bloomberg.   “  Explaining the Rate
               Spread on Corporate Bonds  ”  ;  Journal of Finance 56 .
            4.   參閱   Philippe Jorion (2005)  “  Financial Risk Manager Handbook   ”  ;  Third
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            5.   參閱  Merton, R. (1974)  “  On the Pricing of Corporate   Debt: The Risk Structure of
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            6.   參閱  F. Black and M. Scholes (1973)  “  The Pricing of Options and Corporate

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            7. Cifuentes, A., and G. O’Connor (1996)  “The Binomial Expansion Method Applied

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            8. Ingo Fender and John Kiff  (  2004  )  “CDO Rating Methodology : Some Thouthts
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            9. Li, D.X. (2000)“On Default   Correlation: A Copula Approach”  ;  Journal of Fixed
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            10. Andersen, L., J. Sidenius and S. Basu   (2003)“All your Hedges in One Basket”,
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            11. Laurent, J.P. and J. Gregory (2003)“B  asket Default Swaps, CDO’s and Factor

                Copulas”  ;  Working Paper, ISFA Actuarial   School, University of Lyon.
            12. Hull, J. and A. White (2004)“Valuati  on of a CDO and an nth to Default CDS

                without Monte Carlo Simulation”, Journal of Derivatives, 12.
            13. Martin, R. (2004)  ;  Credit Portfolio Modeling Handbook

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