Page 212 - 外匯100問
P. 212

實際  船舶  之名稱   ,縱實際     裝運之   船舶  即為該預定之      船舶   ,

                           仍須  載有該船舶     名稱  。
                        ˙倘提單載     有與信用狀     敘明  之裝載    港 (port of loading)   不同之
                           接管地    (place of receipt)  ,由於  UCP600  有關  裝船之規定

                           為:「   … 表明貨物業     已於信用狀規定之         裝載  港裝載    或裝運
                           於標名之船舶       (…the goods have been shipped on board a

                           named vessel at the port of loading stated in the credit…)  」,因
                           此,國際    商會  主張此時之      裝載  註記須加    註信用狀    敘明   之裝

                           載港,以    便讓審查    單據之人員      得以確認    貨物係於信用狀規
                           定之  裝載  港裝船“The emphasis in this   condition is that the

                           document checker must be able   to determine that the bill of
                           lading appears to indicate that   the shipped on board statement

                           (pre-printed wording or by a separat
                           on board the named vessel at t  he port of loading stated in the   e notation) relates to loading

                           credit and not to any pre-carria  ge of the goods between a place
                           of receipt or taking in char  ge and the port of loading.  ”
                           例如:信用狀規定            “  Goods shipped from Keelung to
                           Singapore  ”

                           提單  A (  此種情  況係屬  UCP600  第  20  條  a  項  ii  款規  範)

                      ICC Commentary on UCP600   (p.91)

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