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            1. Paul N. Watterson, Jr.  ,“  The Evolution of the CDO Squared  ”  ;  The Journal of
               Structured Finance, Spring  ,“  Drill-Down Approach for Synthe   2005 Volume 11 Number 1.   tic CDO Squared Transactions  ”;

            2. Kai Gilkes
               RATINGSDIRECT     ,  Standard & Poor’s.
            3. Nomura Fixed Income Research  ,“  CDO- Squared Demystified  ”  February 4, 2005.

            4. Lang Gibson and Katie Lynch      ,“    CDO of CDOs    :  Leveraging CDO Fund
               Management  ”;  Merrill Lynch CDO Research   03, November 2006.

            5.  “  香港  商  香港  上  海匯豐  銀行  股份   有限公司發行寶來證券及              華  僑銀行     2006-1  債
               券資產證券      特殊   目的信    託  受益證券公      開  暨  說明書  ”,   2006  。
            6. DerivativeFitch  ,“  Tigris CDO 2007-1, Ltd./LLC―C  ash Flow CDO of Structured

               Finance CDOs  ”  , March 2007.
            7. DerivativeFitch  ,“  Magnolia Finance II plc  ―Synthetic CDO of RMBS and

               Structured Finance CDOs  ”  , March 2006.

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