Page 243 - 信用衍生性金融商品
P. 243

表  6-12     Tigris  交易發行之證券

                                   金額                          規模  比例         信用  支撐
                  證券系列                          信用   評等
                               (  百萬  美元)                       (  % )         (  %  )
              50.1  28.7  AAA  259.0  A-1A
              50.1  20.7  AAA  187.0  A-1B
           44.0  5.0  AAA  45.0  A-2
        33.0  10.9  AA  98.0  B
           27.0  6.0  A  54.0  C
        17.0  9.9  BBB  89.0  D
             -  17.9  NR  161.0  PS
       -  1.0  AAA  9.0  S
                    合  計

              表  6-13     Tigris  交易彙總

               Transaction Summary
               Transaction Type: Static Cash Flow CDO
               Assets: Structured Finance CD
               Closing Date: March 15, 2007   Os Backed by Subprime RMBS
               Maturity Date: July 23, 2052
               Ramp-Up Period: N.A.
               First Payment Date: July 23, 2007
               End of Reinvestment Period: N.A.
               End of Noncall Period: July 23, 2010
               Interest Payments: Class A-1A/B: Monthly;
               Target Par Amount: $893,000,000
               Actual Weighted Average Rating Factor: 7.38
               Actual Weighted Average Coupon: 5.74%   Classes S, A-2, B, C, and D: Quarterly.
               Actual Weighted Average Spread: 1.74%
               Actual Weighted Average Life: 5.32 years

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