Page 92 - the taiwan banker 2024.06(174)
P. 92


                  ί๕Іʕ਷ࡡࣘٙځ˄̵਷ყ൱׸                              əהፗٙ˜࠭፺™Փܓdவ݊˸҂ಃٙ
              ʕdߕ਷ऊ൬٫͜ߕʩ˕˹୞၌ପۜdʕ                               ˜࠭፺™ԸնΤdɰ˸ڛזЬႧٙΤ၈
              ਷ር࢕ࠅӋ͜ɛ͏࿆˹ಛdϾኈГࡩ̋ʈ                               ˜۞͙ז™€Hawalaһމɛהٝٙɓ

              ٫ɰၾߕeʕՇ˙ආБ൱׸dவԬ፺ೌ                                ၇Փܓfίߕ਷ீཀ͕ໆᒃ੻ٙߕʩ̙
              جٜટ༨ྤݴਗf՟Ͼ˾ʘdவԬໆ͕                                ঐ௰୞ݴΣ఻ࡈή˙fɓࡈ݊ίߕ਷ٙ
              ਗ਼ӊ၇஬࿆ڭवίՉ΢Іٙ਷࢕dˀϾ                                ʕ਷֢͏ᔷϓҳ༟א˕̈කቖdరӋ஝
              ༨ྤᔷ୅Ϟᄆ࠽ٙيۜfʕ਷ݹ፺ଡ଼ᔌ                                ᒒʕ਷ٙ༟ږ၍Փiʕ਷਷ʫҳ༟ᐑྤ

              €ᔊ၈CMLOsʊ຾ᜊ੻һ̋ኸڗவԬ዁                             ెʷٙઋرɨdࠢՓӊɛӊϋ̙ි̈ྤ
              ЪdڐಂɰίኈГࡩனݭණྠٙήᆵɪ՟                               ̮ɪࠢމ5ຬߕʩf̤ɓ၇މɛהٝٙ˙

              ˾ə˼ࡁf                                            ج݊˜˾ᒅ™dא˾ڌՉ˼ɛમᒅf࣬
                  ߕ਷਷ɺτΌ௅਷ɺτΌሜݟ҅͂Ꮨ                             ኽ༈੗ፑdᘼ؈ପۜԷν౽ᅆ˓ዚϞԄ
              ༨਷ଡ଼ᔌ͕ໆٙ˾ଣпଣ˴΂Ԣ̔εh৵                               λٙᄆ࠽੗ܓd̙˸ྼყ༶৔Ցʕ਷ආ
              ߒזဧ€Ricardo Mayoralί4˜30˚׵਷                     Бቖਯf

              ึЪᗇࣛڌͪj˜ʕ਷ݹ፺ଡ଼ᔌʊ຾˴࢓                                    ίவཀ೻ʕ൳Ը൳ ࠠ ࠅ ٙ ɓ ࡈ ༩ ࢰ
              əߕ਷dɗЇΌଢٙɽ௅ʱݹ፺ݺਗf™                               ᓃ݊ᓿي̔dவԬ݊ၾत֛ۜ೐޴ᗫٙ
                  ̘ϋ਷ึ఻ϣᛓᗇึආɓӉ༉୚Ⴍ׼                             ཫ˹̔אᎷ࠽̔dɰஷ੬ٟ݊ʹʈ೻ൟ

              organizations (abbreviated as CMLOs) have        50,000 per year per resident amid a deteriorating
              become much more adept at these operations,      domestic investment environment. Another
              recently also displacing the Mexican cartels on   method is known as daigou, or purchases made
              their home turf.                                 on behalf of others. Under that scheme, Apple
                  “CMLOs have come to dominate much of the     products such as smartphones offer good value
              money laundering activity in the United States as   density and can be shipped physically to China to
              well as globally,” said Ricardo Mayoral of the US   be sold there.

              Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in April       One waypoint of increasing importance in
              30 testimony before Congress.                    this process is gift cards, which are either prepaid
                  Previous congressional hearings last year    or top-up cards tied to a specific brand, which
              had further detailed the so-called fei ch’ian    are often the preferred method of payment for
              system, named after the “flying cash” of the     social engineering scammers. They may be able
              Song dynasty (a system also better known         to buy the aforementioned phones with the money
              by its Arabic name, hawala.) Dollars earned      on an Apple card; more sophisticated criminal
              in the US through crime may end up in several    organizations have also set up fraudulent apps on
              places. One is investment or spending by Chinese   the App Store with in-app payments, which can

              residents in the US, seeking to evade China’s    also be paid using gift cards.
              currency controls which limit outflows to US$        Gift cards are gradually entering the public

           92   台灣銀行家    2024.6

   1          5%     JOEE
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