Page 93 - the taiwan banker 2024.06(174)
P. 93

ᗺʱɿהڡຕٙ˹ಛ˙όf˼ࡁɰ ஢ ̙                              ኬ౜ࠑ෶͕ίɓ˂ʫఱᕋəɤ఻࢕ཧਯ
              ˸͜Apple Cardɪٙ፺ᒅ൯ɪࠑ˓ዚi                           ਠֳdϾவࡈ༑ᕚί਷ึ௰ڐٙᛓᗇึ

              һ̋ၚ੗ልᕏ͕ٙໆଡ଼ᔌᒔίᘼ؈App                               ʕɰ஗౤̈Ըf
              Storeɪݖணͭəൟᗺ AppdԨϞίApp                               Ϟᗫږૢ˸ʿ˜̔˪઱٤™ᅼόٙ੗
              ʫ˕˹ٙ̌ঐdϾவɰ̙˸Դ͜ᓿي̔                                ፑdேऒʿٜટ੽ߕ਷ɛԟ༁।੗ਊ՟ତ
              Ը˹ಛf                                             ږdϾʔ݊੽ԫݭۜᐏлٙݹ፺dШਿᓾ

              國土安全部打擊「卡片掏空」                                    வԬਪᕚٙจᗆʔᓙᄣ̋dϞ̙ঐᘱ൱׸

                  ᓿي̔஼နආɝʮ଺ൖᇞf4˜dߕ                             ึ݊ږፄ኷f
              ਷ڢᐄлሜݟอၲዚ࿴˜ProPublica™                                ௰ڐίढдᚆ኷نߠ౻ɨd̙ঐ࿁ʕ
              జኬd̘ϋֵ਷ɺτΌ௅ϓͭəɓࡈ                                 ਷ྼ݄SWIFT€ᐑଢვБږፄཥڦ՘ึ
              ΂ਕʃଡ଼d˸͂Ꮨ˜̔˪઱٤™€Card                              ӻ୕ٙՓ൒˴ᕚ஗౤̈Ըীሞf4˜dߕ਷

              Drainingٙ޴ᗫਂجdவԬໆ͕л͜                            ܸછʕ਷ீཀ̈ɹ͛ପৌԸ՘пڶᖯ౶ٙ
              ˜઱٤̔˪™ٙ˓جᔷ୅Ꮇ࠽̔ʫٙ                                 ኷نҳɝdவᗳ͛ପৌ྅݊ʈՈዚձฆཥ
              ፺dɽεᅰໆ͕ኽజ݊ʕ਷ɛfద᜗జ                                ɿķķ ίࠏԫԶᏐᗡ༁ν࠭ᅁeվдԓձ

              view. In April, the outlet ProPublica reported that   possible that the next step in US-China relations
              DHS created a task force late last year to combat   following the trade war and the tech war might be
              the related practice of “card draining,” in which   a financial war.
              the criminals divert money added to stored-value      The topic of potential SWIFT sanctions
              cards, most of whom are reportedly Chinese.      for China came up recently in the context of the
              Media reports have described perpetrators        Ukraine war. In April, the US accused China
              visiting over a dozen retailers over a single day,   of helping Russia’s war effort through exports

              and the topic was also raised in the most recent   of  production  goods  like  machine  tools  and
              congressional hearing.                           microelectronics – essential elements in military
                                                               supply chains such as missiles, tanks and aircraft,
              Inching closer to the threshold                  which Russia is unable to produce itself. Prior
                                                               to Secretary of State Blinken’s visit to China, an
                  The scheme involving gold bars as well as    anonymous US official told Reuters that the US
              the “card draining” model both involve stealing   had preliminarily discussed sanctions on Chinese
              cash directly from Americans on the side, rather   banks in response, although it had no immediate
              than laundering drug profits, but the infrastructure   plans to implement them.

              and channels are nevertheless shared with the drug    Financial sanctions have long been
              trade. As awareness of these problems grows, it is   considered a ‘nuclear’ option in US-China

                                                                                             2024.6     台灣銀行家     93

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