Page 94 - the taiwan banker 2024.06(174)
P. 94


              ࠭ዚഃהʔ̙אॹٙਿ͉௅ʱdɰ݊ڶᖯ                                    ߕ਷਷ԣձ̮ʹ౽ࢫ˜ࣔሊ͏˴
              ౶ೌجІʉ͛ପٙ௅ʱfίߕ਷਷ਕࡠ̺                               ਿږึ™€Foundation for Defense of
              ؍ٵஞਪʕ਷ʘۃdɓЗʔՈΤٙߕ਷֜                               Democraciesࣨʔᓒ౳࿬͛يԣጏࠇ

              ࡰѓൡ༩ீٟdߕ਷ʊڋӉীሞ࿁ʕ਷ვ                               ೥༟ଉࡒ΂޼ӺࡰኁΛݾ€ Anthony
              Бุྼ݄Փ൒ЪމΫᏐdኋ၍ᒔӚϞͭу                               Ruggieroɰί2023ϋ਷ึᛓᗇึɪܔᙄ
              ྼ݄Փ൒ٙࠇ೥f                                         ၍ଣ຾᏶ת౬ᛆፅ̤ٙɓ၇˙όfၾՉ

              金融制裁   美中關係「核」選項                                 ΥЪdߕ਷̙˸՟Ͼ˾ʘή০࿁ვБ˴

                  ږፄՓ൒ڗಂ˸Ը஗Ⴉމ݊ߕʕᗫڷ                             ପ͛ΝᅵٙႰΪf
              ༁ٙ˜ࣨ™፯ධd௅ʱ݊͟׵Չᆑίٙ຾                                      ˼Ъᗇڌͪj˜ᒱ್ܰ೮ִ݁ၳೊί
              ᏶ላᏘfʔཀd್݅வࡈ༑ᕚʊ຾஗ʃː                               ͂Ꮨߕ਷࿁ݭۜٙცӋձʕ਷࿁ځ˄̵ۃ
              ᑈᑈή౤̈Ըədԟჿ޴ᗫࠇၑ̙ঐึҷ                               ᚨᖹيٙ̈ɹd̴ӚϞஈଣϞᗫʕ਷ږፄ

              ᜊdˈՉ߰஗ൖމऒʿߕ਷ٜટա࢔٫ٙ                               ௅ژίމݭۜቖਯϗूݹ፺˙ࠦҲစО၇
              ਷ʫ͕ໆਪᕚٙ༑fᎇഹ፯኷ͣᆠʷdɦ                               ԉЍٙਪᕚdϾவӊϋிϓ൴ཀ10ຬߕ਷
              א஢ί̙ঐ̈ତٙʇ౷ୋɚ΂ಂᐼ୕ʘߠ                               ɛΪϤԒɳf™€ܘᜑ್મ͜əהϞᖹي

              ౻ɨdவᗳણ݄ᜊ੻һ̙ซ྅f                                   ிϓϥɳଟٙᅰοf

              relations, due in part to the potential economic   disruptive approach which would nevertheless
              impact. Now that the topic has been gingerly     create the same incentives.
              broached, however, the calculus could  change,       “While the Biden administration is focused
              especially if considered as a domestic issue     on  combating  US  demand  for drugs  and  the
              of criminality with direct American victims.     export of fentanyl precursors from China, it has
              Such moves become more thinkable as              not tackled the problem of the Chinese financial
              the election race heats up, or perhaps in        sector’s role in laundering the proceeds from

              the context of a potential second  Trump         drug sales that kill over 100,000 Americans each
              presidency.                                      year,” he testified (apparently using a figure for
                  Anthony  Ruggiero, Nonproliferation and      mortality from all drugs).
              Biodefense Program Senior Adjunct Fellow at the
              Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a defense   Solutions closer to home
              and foreign policy think tank, also suggested another
              way to manage the economic tradeoff in the 2023       Although the present situation easily lends
              congressional hearing. Rather than sanctioning   itself to political narratives already a long time
              banks for non-cooperation in AML, the US could   in the making, some lower-impact solutions

              instead target its executives, a somewhat less   also have yet to be explored. Gift cards are a

           94   台灣銀行家    2024.6

   1          5%     JOEE
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99