Page 95 - the taiwan banker 2024.06(174)
P. 95

目前無主要立法解方                                        ੻2,000ᄂߕʩķķટڐGDP€਷ʫ͛ପˣ
                  ኋ၍ͦۃઋر׸׵ʲΥᒚᜰʊɮٙ݁                                 Ⴍ̩ʮ༸༑dکлਠֳʊ຾һءจՑ

              طાԫdɓԬᅂᚤ༰ʃٙ༆Ӕ˙ࣩʥ͊஗                               ऒʿᓿي̔ٙൟᗺfϞࣛࡉա࢔٫ίҞ஺
              ઞ॰fᓿي̔݊஢ε਷ᘬൟᗺʱɿఃᛇٙ                               મ՟БਗܝdɰϞ̙ঐ՟Ϋ༟ږdኋ၍һ
              ˕˹ʈՈdˢৎԙʦٙᏨൖd̴࠽੻ᜑഹ                               ੬Ԉٙ݊ீཀᒅ൯ᓿيٙڦ̔͜৛Ϋd್
              ౤৷һεᄲݟf                                          Ͼdίɽεᅰઋرɨdᓿي̔ɪٙ፺ఱ྅

                  уԴʔϽᅇΌ್ൟᗺ͜௄dᓿي̔࿁                             ତږɓᅵdϾ࿁׵ᏺ͜ᓿي̔ᒔӚϞ˴ࠅ
              ऊ൬٫ԸႭɰ݊ɓධ̙ဲٙᅼۨf೯̔ዚ                               ٙͭج༆˙f

              ࿴ܸૐ̔˪ɪٙ፺ʔึ஗ڀદdவପ͛ᕼ                                   ൟᗺձݹ፺݊฽εࠦΣٙਪᕚd຅ۃ
              ɽлᆗଟfГ˙˖ʷֻֻʔᗎϓତږЪ                                Ϊʕ਷ଡ଼ᔌ͕ໆϓڗϾ̋ᄌfீཀίߕ਷
              މᓿيdШ຅৔ᓿي̔༊ྡһ᜗൨մՑ                                ږፄ᜗ӻʫ࢝කʈЪ̙ঐึ՟੻ɓԬආ
              ࣛdೌجڭᗇટա٫ܝᚃਗ਼ึҬՑ̙ڀ                                ࢝dШ྅݊Դ͜፺ᚫ€Money MulesආБ

              ፺ٙ؇ГfΝࣛdʃږᕘٙᓿۜ̔Ъމ                                ྼ᜗ତږʹ˹வᅵ׼ͦੵᑔٙᅼόd਷ყ
              ࡰʈ၅лഃ͜௄ɰܘաᛇڎdϓމՉ˼͜                               ږፄ᜗ӻٙ̈ɝɹ̐༸ਗ਼ϓމʔ̙אॹٙ
              ௄ʘɓf                                             ̀ࠅછՓᓃf(本文作者為台灣金融研訓

                    ᓿي̔ପุί2024ϋཫ಻ᐄϗਗ਼ᒃ                          院外聘研究員;譯者楊芙宜)

              favorite payment vehicle for scammers of many    more aware of fraud involving gift cards. It is
              nationalities and deserve significantly more     also sometimes possible for victims to recover
              scrutiny than they have received thus far.       funds after taking quick action, although more
                  Even without considering outright fraudulent   often through the credit card through which the
              uses, they are a questionable deal for consumers.   gift might have been purchased. In most cases,
              Issuers count on money on the cards not being    however, money on the card acts like cash, and no
              spent, which creates large profit margins. Western   major legislative solution yet exists for the misuse

              cultures tend  to  frown  on cash as  a  gift,  but   of gift cards.
              when giving a gift card as an attempt to be more     Fraud and money laundering are highly
              thoughtful, there is no guarantee that the recipient   multifaceted problems, currently being
              will subsequently find something to spend the    exacerbated by the growth of Chinese organized
              money on. Smaller gift cards are meanwhile also   crime. Some progress may be possible by
              popular as employee benefits, among other uses.   working within the US financial system,
                  The gift card industry is forecast to earn US$   yet with models as brazen as physical cash
              200 billion in revenue in 2024 – approaching an   deliveries using money mules, the onramps
              impressive 1% of GDP.                            and offramps to offshore banking will become

                  To be fair, convenience stores have become   essential control points.

                                                                                             2024.6     台灣銀行家     95

   1          5%     JOEE
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100