Page 90 - the taiwan banker 2024.06(174)
P. 90


              ʕ਷ݹ፺ԐΣྼྤķķ ᓿي̔ൟಜ



                                                                                         撰文:David Stinson

              ཀ     ̘఻ϋdˀൟᗺੂجޢኪՑɓࡈ                             జ‘ٙή˙జኬd༉୚౜ࠑɓЗϋڗٙൟ
              ɿਛΤ༯ίீཀᅰЗ๖ஷձ˕˹̨̻ٙ                                ᗺա࢔٫˸ږૢ˙ό஗ᗺdฦ̰əટڐ100
              ܝࠦd࿔࿔ᙊ੻˼ࡁٙա࢔٫ڦ΂fࡡ                                ຬߕʩ€ߒΥอ̨࿆3,200ຬʩf᛿༞ί

              Ըʕ਷͕ໆଡ଼ᔌ௞ɰኸڗίߕ਷࢝කࠦ                                ɓϣߵඪόฤࣉБਗʕ஗ҴՑdШ˼̥݊
              ࿁ࠦٙБਗdˈՉ݊ίยਗ༟ږٙࣛ                                 ɓЗԓ˓dኽা٫జኬd˼މ˜ɓЗίʕ
              ࡉf͏଺ձ݁ഄՓ֛٫ᒔʔٝወ຅ʕٙ                                ਷ٙ؃ʾ™ʈЪfவᇐ˖௝ӚϞ౤ԶϞᗫ

              ɓԬᅂᚤf                                            ɨದ͕ໆᅼόٙආɓӉ୚ືf

              Chinese money laundering goes analog

                    ver the past few years, the anti-          in the Washington Post detailed the story of an

              Ofraud community has learned the term            elderly scam victim who lost close to US$ 1
              shazhupan, in which scammers hide behind         million in the form of gold bars. The thief was
              the anonymity of digital communication and       caught following a heroic bust, but he was only
              payment platforms, slowly earning the trust of   a runner working for “a friend in China,” in the
              their victims. It turns out that Chinese criminal   words of the reporter; the article provided no
              organizations however also excel at face-to-     further details on the downstream crime model.
              face operations in the US, particularly when it       The  Washington Post is a top-tier
              comes to moving money. The public and policy     publication for national US politics, and even
              makers have yet to come terms with some of the   its local reporting tends to include the larger

              implications.                                    political picture. What if this genre of reporting
                  Thus, for example, a March local article     started asking questions about where this money

           90   台灣銀行家    2024.6

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