Page 91 - the taiwan banker 2024.06(174)
P. 91



              Ϳഅf                                              芬太尼已經變成美中雙邊談判最重要的主題之一,焦點主


                  ځ˄̵€Fentanylʊ຾ᜊϓߕʕᕐᗙ                             ځ˄̵݊ɓධΥଣٙʮ΍ሊ͛ᙄ
              ሔк௰ࠠࠅٙ˴ᕚʘɓdೊᓃ˴ࠅ׳ίʕ                               ᕚjߕ਷शष၍Փ࿬ཫԣʕːί 2022

              ਷ྤʫۃᚨᖹيٙ͛ପf̘ϋ11˜dߕ                               ϋஷజəځ˄̵ᖹيʕݭϥɳᅰ༺7ຬ
              ਷ሔк༺ϓɓධځ˄̵ٙ޴ᗫ՘ᙄdீ                                2,027ɛfΪމ̴ٙࣖɢ฽੶dܘᗭ๟ᆽ
              ཀݔ၇೻ܓᕦແอᖛɛᛆਪᕚЪމʹ                                 ፅඎdϾ˲ʔ྅Չ˼ᖹيɓছdՉᖹኒ

              ౬dᜑͪശସ཭ᗴจί۾উ˚ूᘌࠠٙ                                ཀඎ຾੬݊จ̮eϾڢՍจᙲ՟ٙഐ؈f

              goes, and how it gets there? The answers may go       Fentanyl is a legitimate public health issue:
              straight to the core of US-China relations. Money   the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
              laundering could even set the stage for the next   reported 72,027 drug poisoning deaths from it in
              major geopolitical crisis.                       2022. Because of its extreme potency, it is difficult
                                                               to measure accurately and unlike other drugs,

              Flying gift cards                                overdoses are frequently the result of accidental
                                                               rather than deliberate ingestion.
                   Fentanyl has become one of the most              In the international trade of fentanyl derived
              important topics of bilateral negotiations, mostly   from Chinese ingredients, a US consumer pays
              focusing on production of precursors within      for the end product using dollars, while the
              China.  Last  November,  the  US  negotiated  a   Chinese seller requires payment in renminbi,
              related agreement in exchange for some degree    and Mexican processors also trade with both
              of relaxation on the Xinjiang human rights issue,   sides. This money cannot cross borders directly.
              demonstrating that Washington is willing to      Instead, the criminals keep each currency within

              deprioritize other issues in the wake of a growing   its respective country, and instead move items of
              threat.                                          value across borders. Chinese money laundering

                                                                                             2024.6     台灣銀行家     91

   1          5%     JOEE
   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96