Page 14 - NO.161銀行家雜誌
P. 14

                Global View


              日本政府已經被迫要求家庭與企業在冬季節約能源,但汽油與取暖油料                  城市很遠,而且可以自己運作。日本的地區
              補貼也即將在 5 月結束。(圖/達志影像)
              通膨會長期維持下去。他在就職記者會上指                              決能源轉型、地方創生、數位轉型的問題。
              出,貨幣政策常態化之所以步步為營,是因                              當然在那之前,這些銀行得先撐過當下的巨

              為零利率政策維持了數十年,改變時必須維                              變。(本文作者為台灣金融研訓院特聘外籍研                                                                    AD
              持銀行的穩定。                                          究員;譯者為廖珮杏)

              position last year. Both the investment and trade   most important longer-term lesson for other countries
              trends appear likely to persist through 2023, creating   with aging populations, including Taiwan, Korea, and

              a difficult balancing act for the central bank. It must   even China, is that energy independence is essential
              mop up the excess liquidity that has now returned   for an aging economy. Higher prices hurt retirees in
              home due to this technical reason, or else risk further   any economy, but local production helps ensure that
              devaluation of the yen as that money once again finds   global energy markets do not impact overall currency

              overseas investment targets.                     valuation. Moreover, super-aged economies might
                  Incoming Governor Kazuo Ueda is however still   have less ability to respond with agility to external
              not convinced that the longer-term trend is inflationary.   shocks.
              In his inaugural news conference, he also made note   Renewable energy infrastructure will often be
              of bank stability concerns following decades of zero   located outside of major cities, and will be operated

              rates as one reason for caution when normalizing   remotely. Thus, green financing will allow regional
              monetary policy.                                 banks to play a role in Japan’s energy transition, rural
                  The fate of the regional banks is a microcosm   revitalization, and digital transformation at the same
              of concerns about macroeconomics, demographics,   time. First, however, these banks will likely need to
              and internal transformation by mature banks. The   survive an industry shake-up.

         14   台灣銀行家2023.5月號

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