Page 10 - NO.161銀行家雜誌
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                Global View

              鄉村地區,都深陷高齡化與人口減少的困擾。                             時取消了原本的反競爭條款,允許相同地區
              2022年日本已有一半以上的城市,被政府歸入                           的銀行彼此合併。日本央行也為那些改善獲
              全面或部分人口不足地區。                                     益能力,或決定整合的地區性銀行,提供更
                  日本自從2016年實施殖利率控制,將10年                        高的準備金利率。
              期政府債券利率維持在0%上下之後,人們開始                                銀行合併的成本可能很高,過時的資訊

              公開討論地區性銀行的財務弱點。據報導,日                             系統使問題更加嚴重。因此儘管政府的計畫
              本金融廳在2017年已對該國長期獲利能力提出                           符合整體數位轉型方向,卻因為客戶高齡化
              警訊,尤其是升息可能引爆的危機。會有這種                             而往往停滯不前。
              困境,原因之一就是貸款過分依賴擔保品,這                                 對此,日本政府放寬一部分的業務範圍
              使資金容易流入既有的企業,而非新創產業。                             限制,使銀行在地方創生中獲得更多主導
                  在那之後,政府就更加要求創新與整合,                           性。它開放原本50%的持股上限,只要該地
              還成為菅義偉在2020至2021年擔任首相時的行                         幾乎沒有其他投資者,政府就允許銀行完全
              政重點之一。                                           擁有未上市公司。此外也鼓勵銀行開展諮詢
                  2020年C O V I D-19疫情爆發不久,日本                   服務,金融廳前廳長遠藤敏藏表示,「與其

              政府推出30億日圓的誘因刺激產業整合。同                             等著客戶來借錢,還不如自己去找客戶,提

              banks, which account for about half of Japanese bank   the 2016 imposition of yield curve controls, which
              lending, appear to be a major culprit. Having been   kept 10-year government bond rates around
              long singled out for their stagnation but protected by   zero. In 2017, Japan’s Financial Services Agency
              low borrowing costs, the end of the road may finally be   (FSA) reportedly warned about their long-term

              approaching for some.                            core profitability, particularly in the case of rate
                                                               increases. One problem it singled out at the time
              Innovation amidst aging                          was an over-dependence on collateral in lending,
                                                               which favors existing ventures over innovative

                  This corner of Japan’s financial system      start-ups.
              illustrates the effects of weak demographics over    Since that time, the government has become
              the long term. The rural regions in which many   increasingly assertive about the need for either
              such banks are located have long been beset by   innovation or consolidation.  The  topic  was a
              demographic aging and depopulation. In 2022, the   signature issue for Yoshida Suga, who was Prime
              government designated over half of municipalities   Minister from 2020-2021.

              as wholly or partially underpopulated.               In 2020, in the wake of COVID, the govern-
                  The financial weakness of regional banks     ment started offering financial incentives of up to 3
              started to be discussed more openly following    billion yen [DS2]for consolidation. It also eliminated

         10   台灣銀行家2023.5月號2023.5月號
         10 台灣銀行家

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