Page 11 - NO.161銀行家雜誌
P. 11

              供擴大業務與營業額的諮詢服務。只要看看                                  惠譽國際2021年指出,「在先進市場國
              現實中的地方經濟,就知道這些企業並不知                              家,銀行提供諮詢服務,是一種罕見的收入
              道如何擴張,它們需要協助。」                                   多角化方法。」

              some anti-competition rules for mergers between   FSA Commissioner Endo Toshihide admonished,
              banks in the same prefecture. The central bank   “instead of sitting and waiting for companies to
              also offered higher rates on reserves for regional   ask for money, why not go to companies yourself
              banks which improve their profitability or decide to   offering advice and consultancy on how to find

              consolidate.                                     customers and grow your business? If you look
                  Merging can be an expensive proposition,     at the reality of regional economies, the local
              exacerbated by outdated IT systems. Thus, the    businesses themselves are stumped over how to
              government’s plans align with the larger objective   expand. They need support.”

              of digital transformation, which has often lagged    F i t ch  R a t in gs  no t e d  in  2 0 2 1  t ha t
              due to aging clienteles.                         “diversification into these consulting-type services
                  The government further relaxed certain       is a rare form of fee income diversification among
              restrictions on business scope, allowing banks   developed-market banks.”
              to play a more active role in rural revitalization. It

              allowed banks to take full ownership of unlisted   Impact limited to stock price
              local companies in areas with few alternative
              investors, up from 50%. It also encouraged banks      Despite this green shoot, however, the overall
              to broaden their service offerings into consulting.   financial situation has been difficult. As domestic

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2023.5月號 11

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