Page 78 - NO.153銀行家雜誌
P. 78

               Special Issue

                  以色列強大的軟體業,跟密集的兵役訓                            然,這些需求很可能都是為了應付公事,
              練很有關係。該國大部分年輕人都打過仗,                              不太可能觸及技術最前線;但密碼學領域
              經常會把相關經驗帶進公司。以色列的8200                            最先進的攻擊其實大半都只是紙上談兵,
              網戰部隊(Unit  8200),則素有IT創業搖籃                       理論上非常強大,卻不太可能實際執行。
              的美名,是軍民結合的著名範例。美國也有                              現實中的攻擊往往都很低階,像之前入侵

              類似的體制,例如世界頂尖的研究型大學體                              7-E l e v e n電子看板的方式,大概就不會多
              系,以及矽谷企業圈。這兩個國家都用相關                              複雜。
              體制,發展出數論(Number  Theory)這種可                           台灣必須從價值鏈底部開始發展資安
              以用來破解古典密碼的數學領域知識,例如                              能力,而且軍方所需的人才資源,在私營
              8200網戰部隊的研究範圍之一,就是訊號解                            企業應該也很有用。強化資安的過程會經歷
              碼(SIGINT)。不過短期內這些條件台灣都                           好幾個不同階段,無論哪個領域的進步,最
              難以複製。                                            後都有助於提升整個國家實力。中國祭出大
                  台灣短期內最可能的方向,是快速培植                            量高級威脅,其實可謂是給台灣送上一份大
              軟體業。如果制定嚴格的網路安全法律,                               禮。(本文作者為台灣金融研訓院特聘外籍研

              市場上可能就會出現大量的相關需求。當                               究員;譯者為劉維人)                                                                              AD

              systems that were not even connected to the internet.  Stringent legal requirements for cybersecurity could
                  Israel’s software industry benefits from the   create demand for relevant skills at market scale. This
              intensive military service of its citizens. Most of its   checklist approach is unlikely to produce industry-
              young people have real wartime experience, which   leading results, but in any case, state-of-the-art
              they often bring into the private sector. In particular,   cryptographical research frequently only reveals

              its Unit 8200 is known  as a  factory  for  future IT   highly theoretical attacks that may be interesting on
              entrepreneurs. The US, for its part, similarly benefits   paper but highly unlikely in practice. Meanwhile, it is
              from its world-leading research university system, as   unlikely that attacks on 7-11 signs, for instance, were
              well as the Silicon Valley ecosystem. These structural   particularly sophisticated.
              factors have helped produce knowledge in these       Taiwan will need to start near the bottom of the
              countries in the areas of pure mathematics relevant for   value chain to develop its capabilities. At the same
              classic code breaking, like number theory. (Unit 8200   time, though, the military draws from the same labor
              works on signals intelligence, or SIGINT). It would be   pool as the private sector. Progress in any given area
              difficult for Taiwan to replicate such conditions a short   can contribute to strength of the nation as a whole.

              amount of time.                                  This will be a multi-step process, which is why it’s
                  Instead, growth of the software industry is likely   so fortunate that China has given so much advance
              to be the quickest path to Taiwan’s development.   warning.

         78   台灣銀行家2022.9月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83