Page 77 - NO.153銀行家雜誌
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              資、旅遊限制;但現在谷歌、臉書、微軟、                              元,更成為外交政策的重要工具。著名的震
              英特爾卻都將許多業務設在以色列執行。此                              網(Stuxnet)病毒據說也是來自以色列,該
              外,以色列的資安防護產業也是世界一流,                              病毒成功破壞了沒有上網的伊朗核電廠電腦
              間諜軟體飛馬(P e g a s u s)不僅賺進數億美                     系統,即使在10多年後依然是業界傳奇。

              quickly, including for civilian purposes such as law   university classes. Rather, they can only be learned
              enforcement, so the private sector can also play   at the same time they’re put to use. To understand
              an important role. OSNIT requires strong logical   the nature of the growth process, it may be helpful to
              foundations and knowledge of software ecosystems   consider the case of similar small country which has
              –  but  in  ways  very  different  from  pure  software   managed to turn its isolation into an advantage over
              development. This aspect of cyber defense could also   time: Israel.

              turn into a business opportunity for Taiwan. Outsiders   Israel could now be characterized as a software
              may look for understanding of Chinese attackers from   superpower, having moved past decades of boycotts,
              people with an understanding of Chinese language   divestment  campaigns,  and  travel  restrictions.
              and culture.                                     Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Intel all have
                                                               extensive operations in this country of 9 million
              The Israel of Asia                               people. Moreover, its cyber defense industry is world-
                                                               class. Sales of its Pegasus spy software have not
                  Whether  it  is  software  management  and   only earned the country at least hundreds of millions
              development, intelligence, or cryptography, the key   of dollars, but also become an important tool for its

              bottleneck is always human resources. This is a   foreign policy. The Stuxnet virus (widely assumed to
              somewhat complex problem because most of these   be partially developed by Israel) remains legendary
              skills are difficult to learn in the abstract context of   over ten years later, having disabled Iranian nuclear

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.9月號 77

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