Page 72 - NO.153銀行家雜誌
P. 72

               Special Issue



                                                                                      撰文:David Stinson孫維德

                    國眾議院議長裴洛西(Nancy  Patricia                       在不久的未來,這種「灰色地帶」攻擊
              美 Pelosi)8 月訪台之後,中國發動攻擊                          大概會越來越常見,而且越來越激烈。一般
              威脅台灣與盟友,它發射導彈穿越台北上空,                             來說,這類騷擾都只是因為中國看台灣的政

              並在台灣周圍海域進行軍事演習,但這些行動                             治傾向不爽而已,並非真正要進行吞併。因
              在物理上都距離台灣人民的生活相當遙遠,                              為要靠灰色地帶的騷擾來協助軍事吞併,主
              因此,中國也同時騷擾台灣的政府網站、銀                              要方法就是聲東擊西,必須一邊進行騷擾,
              行等各種基礎建設網絡,試圖給台灣的公民                              一邊準備全面入侵。但全面入侵的兵力需求
              社會一個下馬威。                                         實在太大,所以資源上很可能無法持久。

              A Plan to Thrive Under Cyber Harassment

              Taiwan will need to start near the bottom of the value chain to develop its capabilities. At
              the same time, though, the military draws from the same labor pool as the private sector.
              Progress in any given area can contribute to strength of the nation as a whole.

                   n August,  China responded to  the Taiwan   cyberattacks on infrastructure such as government
              Ovisit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with     websites and banks.
              attacks designed to intimidate it and its allies. The   It is becoming increasingly likely that Taiwan’s
              kinetic portion of these operations featured a Taipei   foreseeable future will feature such escalating “grey
              missile overflight and operations off its coasts,   zone” attacks. These tactics are generally the result

              but these responses remained physically distant   of China’s frustration at Taiwan’s political inclinations,
              from the Taiwanese people. Therefore, China also   rather than a strategic plan to eventually annex it.
              targeted Taiwan’s civil society through a series of   The main way that the grey zone could potentially

         72   台灣銀行家2022.9月號

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