Page 76 - NO.153銀行家雜誌
P. 76

               Special Issue

              人,所以必須先了解敵軍的意圖,才能設法                              入侵者很感興趣,他們需要一些真正了解中
              回應。                                              國語言文化的人從旁協助。
                  一個國家的情報能力(I n t e l l i g e n c e)
              就跟一個人的智力(I n t e l l i g e n c e)一樣具             邁向東方以色列

              以相輔相成,與其他國家建立情報共享協定                                   無論是軟體開發、情報,還是密碼學,
              也會有用。除此之外,「公開情報來源」這                              最關鍵的瓶頸都是人力資源。這個問題有點
              個領域正在快速發展,其中有很多功能,例                              麻煩,因為這類技能大部分都只能邊做邊
              如強制執行等都與民間相關,民間公司可以                              學,無法直接在大學課堂裡教。不過倒是有
              做出許多貢獻。在這個領域工作,需要強大                              個類似的小國,在一段時間的經營之後,將
              的邏輯能力和豐富的軟體生態系知識,但工                              孤立無援的國際局勢成功轉換為優勢,這個
              作方式與單純的軟體開發大異其趣。台灣可                              國家就是以色列。
              以發展這方面的資安防護能力,並化為巨大                                   如今以色列可說是個軟體大國。該國人
              商機,畢竟應該有很多國家的人,都對中國                              口只有900萬,幾10年前歷經各種抵制、撤

              would help reduce Taiwan’s overreliance on outdated   Bangladesh, they spent a year prior preparing for that,
              or unsafe platforms, which is one of its most urgent   before they actually tried to make the first fraudulent
              security problems.                               transaction. A year! Your traditional criminal  or
                  Of course,  Taiwan’s ultimate target is not   automated threat – most of the stuff you see – is not
              software development, but resilience to state-   spending a day, let alone a year.”
              level attacks. In that case as well, however, many   He also noted the persistence of such threats. “If

              of the skills needed are not purely technical in   they can’t get into your network…they’re going to have
              nature. Rather, they fall under the broad category   multiple campaigns. It’s never once. When you have
              of open source intelligence (OSINT). This aspect of   an advanced threat, there’s going to be many attacks
              cybersecurity involves the use of detective work to   for a single objective.” They will also target individuals
              create and refine threat models – assumptions about   personally, not just organizations. Thus, it is essential
              potential attackers.                             to understand the intentions of attackers in order to
                  In an interview, Jon DiMaggio, author of     design a response.
              The Art of Cyberwarfare, noted the importance of     Regarding national strength, as the term
              differentiating between different types of attackers.   “intelligence” implies, civil and military capabilities

              “When you have an advanced threat…the main       will likely develop in tandem. Intelligence sharing
              difference is, there is a motivated human with an   agreements with other countries will be helpful. At
              objective. When North Korea attacked the bank of   the same time, the field of OSINT is also growing

         76   台灣銀行家2022.9月號

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