Page 54 - NO.153銀行家雜誌
P. 54

               Special Report

               圖2   民以食為天                                        表1   亞太地區經濟預測
                    2021年,東南亞國協國家*的食物消費支出 占消                          (實際 GDP 成長;百分比)
                    費者支出百分比%                                                     2021     2022      2023
                          0              10             20             30            40               50            60    6.5  4.2  4.5
                      寮國                                         亞洲先進國家             3.6     2.3       2.2
                    柬埔寨                                          澳洲                 4.8     3.8       2.2
                    菲律賓                                          日本                 1.7     1.7       1.7
                      印尼                                         韓國                 4.1     2.3       2.1
                  馬來西亞                                           亞洲新興市場             7.2     4.6       5.1
                                                                 柬埔寨                3.0     5.1       6.2
                                                                 中國                 8.1     3.3       4.6
              * 不包括汶萊; 家庭的消費
              資料來源:經濟學人                                          印度                 8.7     7.4       6.1
                                                                 印尼                 3.7     5.3       5.2
                                                                 寮國                 2.1     2.2       3.1
              要先進國家的財務困境,可能會導致資本外                                馬來西亞               3.1     5.1       4.7
              流,並連帶降低對新興市場國家的外商直接                                緬甸               -17.9     1.6       3.0
              投資。                                                尼泊爾                4.2     4.2       5.0

                   如果央行想要控制通膨,就得足夠獨                              菲律賓                5.7     6.7       5.0
              立、穩住民眾的信心,並且有效進行溝通。                                泰國                 1.5     2.8       4.0
              但麻煩的是,經濟成長幅度一旦低於之前                                 越南                 2.6     7.0       6.7
              的水準,輿論可能就會轉變,要求央行做                               資料來源: IMF《世界經濟展望》(World Economic Outlook)2022 年 7

              energy prices. Consequently, the increase        to credibility, independence and effective
              in  fuel  prices  does  not pass through  into   communication.  One  of  the  dangers  is  that
              petrol prices.  This ultimately means you        central banks will see that public opinion will
              see different headline inflation in different    likely  shift  as growth  rates  are  lower  than
              countries.  Tightening financial conditions,     before, which will put pressure on central banks

              especially in major advanced economies,          to try to push up growth rates. But central banks
              could result in an outflow of capital and        do not have the tools necessary to push up real
              reduction in foreign direct investment (FDI) to   growth rates because this rests with the fiscal
              emerging markets.                                authorities. Monetary policy also cannot address
                  A c riti cal ques tion for c entral banks    bottlenecks around supply chains.  There is
              seeking  to  stem  inflationary  trends  relates   a risk that central banks might come under

         54   台灣銀行家2022.9月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59