Page 53 - NO.153銀行家雜誌
P. 53


              次通膨可能會持續很長時間,讓各國央行倍                              貴,家庭的花費就會增高,口袋裡的錢就更
              感壓力,紛紛為了控制物價漲幅,將原本較                              難購買其他東西。此外,食品漲價還會降
              為寬鬆的貨幣政策轉向緊縮。                                    低族群之間的包容、加劇不平等,甚至使更

                  在東協國家,食品與能源的價格上漲,                            多東協人口陷 入營養不 良 的 窘 境 。 至 於 能
              可能會壓低私人消費與投資,進而削弱經濟                              源的價格,倒是在一些東協國家都有受到
              成長。許多東協國家的消費者物價指數,都                              控制或補貼,所以燃油價格的上漲,並沒
              嚴重受到食品價格影響,而且有些 國 家 特 別                          有直接影響汽油價格。總之,各國 的 總 體
              依賴小麥,受到的影響更大。食品一旦變                               通膨狀況各自不同;而財務困境,尤其是重

              pressures remain more moderate compared          some  countries  the  consumer  price  index  is
              with other regions, but price increases in many   heavily  influenced  by  food,  and  even  within
              countries have been moving above central bank    the food basket, in some countries people use
              targets.  The surge in inflation and its expected   more wheat than in others. Higher food prices
              persistent – rather  than  transitory – nature  has   decrease the purchasing power of households,

              put pressure on central banks to shift from a    as they have to spend more money to purchase
              more accommodative monetary stance to tighten    the same amount of food. Food inflation could
              monetary policy to control rising prices.        even add to social disparities such as inclusion,
                  In ASEAN, rising food and energy prices      inequalities and even increase the number of
              could weaken economic growth by reducing         undernourished people in  ASEAN. In some
              real private consumption and investment. In      countries, there are controls or subsidies on

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.9月號 53

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