Page 123 - 信用卡業務及法務之理論與實務(增修訂三版)
P. 123


                 美國消費者信用          保護   法之規定      較  英  國法之規定      周  延  ,
            不會因信用卡交易之             類型   為三造     或  開  放  體系而影響持卡人
            抗辯   權的行使,而持卡人             須  已  盡  其  善  意  試  圖  與特  約  商  店  解

            決  該  爭議  未  果,且有     最低   交易金     額  及在一定     距  離內之    限  制
            條  件  ,  方  得以對   抗  特  約  商  店  之  抗辯  事  由  來對  抗  信用卡發卡
            機構,     並  有  最高請求    或抗辯     金  額  之  限  制。但  如  發卡機構     介
            構監  或  參  與持卡人與特  情  形   (  即  類似  店 三造卡交易  或  特 類型  商 )  店係  受發卡機
            不受   上述   交易金     額  及  距  離的  限  制,而   僅  受  最高請求    及  抗辯
            金  額  之  限  制。

             a method of payment or extension of credit if
                                            ent or problem relative to the transaction from
             to obtain satisfactory resolution of a disagreem   (1) the obligator has made a good faith attempt
             the person honoring the credit card; (2) the amount of the initial transaction exceeds $50; and
             (3) the place where the initial transaction occurred was in the same State as the mailing
             address previously provided by the cardholder or   was within 100 m  iles from such address,
             except that the limitations set forth in clauses (2) an  d (3) with respect to an obligator's right to
             assert claims and defenses against a card issuer shall not be applicable to any transaction in
             which the person honoring the credit card (A)   is the same person as the card issuer, (B) is
             controlled by the card issuer, (C) is under direct   or indirect common control with the card
             issuer, (D) is a franchised dealer in the card issue  r's products or services, or (E) has obtained
             the order for such transaction through a mail so
             card issuer in which the cardholder is solicited to enter into such transaction by using the   licitation made by or participated in by the
             credit card issued by the card issuer. (b) Amo  unt of claims and defenses assertible: The
             amount of claims or defense asserted by th  e cardholder may not exceed the amount of credit
             outstanding with respect to such transaction at the time the cardholder first notifies the card
             issuer or the person honoring the credit card of   such claim or defense. For the purpose of
             determining the amount of credit outstanding   in the preceding sentence, payments and credits
             to the cardholder's account are deemed to have been   applied, in the order indicated, to the
             payment of: (1) late charges in the order of their entry to the account; (2) finance charges in
             the order of their entry to the account; and (3)   debits to the account other than those set forth
             above, in the order in which each   debit entry to the account was made.  」
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