Page 59 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 59

第四章  信用狀  43

                                         第 2 節:信用狀疑難問題及解析


                             DOCUMENTARY LETTER OF UNDERTAKING”要求本公司於 9 月 25 日前

                             裝運,於 9 月 30 日提示貨運單據押匯,該文亦載明「適用 UCP 600」請問
                             “LETTER OF UNDERTAKING”是信用狀嗎?

                                 一般信用狀皆列有擔保 (Undertake) 或承諾 (Engage)  或保證 (Guarantee)
                                 或同意 (Agree)  等條款,即所謂“Undertaking Clause”或“Engagement

                                 Clause”,例如:“We hereby undertake that all drafts drawn and presented as

                                 specified in the credit will be dully honored/negotiated”。其意義為:「我們
                                 對這一張信用狀加以擔保 (保證),凡依該信用狀規定所簽發之匯票妥予

                                 實際意義。又如“We hereby engange with the drawers endorsers and bona

                                 fide holders of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this
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