Page 371 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 371

第八章  三角貿易  355

                                        6. 匯率變動之風險:三角貿易以使用同一種幣別交易為原則或預

                                        7. 押匯遭買方銀行拒絕付款之風險:由於賣方之單據不符,遲延


                                          (1) 以 D/A、D/P 方式買進,再以 L/C 方式賣出。
                                          (2)  信用狀之有效日期,訂在本行 (開狀行)  之櫃台 (at our

                                             counter):開出之 Secondary L/C  之有效期限規定在我國銀
                                             行櫃台,若單據遲於 Master L/C 之有效期限到達時,即予

                                             “This credit is valid until (日期) at our counter in Taiwan”

                                          (3)  請賣方將提單正本及有關單據,裝船後立即逕寄中間商,

                                             (a) Beneficiary′s certificate Stating that full set of original B/L

                                             and one duplicate set of the other documents have been
                                             airmailed to the accountee by the beneficiary within 24 hours

                                             after shipment.
                                             (b) Notwithstanding any instructions to the contrary that appear

                                             in the foregoing credit it is essential that drafts and documents
                                             negotiated under this credit be sent in one registered airmail to

                                             The Chartered Bank ,  HonkKong (Attention  Exports
                                             Department) quoting our transfer NO.222

                                          (4)  國外開入信用狀之提示期間儘量延長 (Documents  must be
                                             presented within ××××days after  shipping date)。其考慮主要
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