Page 210 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 210

194  進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析 (首篇)

                            1. 「提早押匯」是否為瑕疵?

                            2. 進口商為急於提貨,L/C 通常規定裝船後 D 日內要提示單據,為何反
                              向規定裝船後 D 日後才可押匯?

                            3. 若本公司急需資金周轉怎麼辦?


                           “The entire contents of a letter of credit are to be adhered to by the beneficiary

                       and the negotiating bank to the extent that the terms and conditions apply.  A
                       statement that negotiation is to be effected seven days after shipment, whilst not a

                       term that would be recommended by ICC, must be adhered to. On the basis that the
                       advising  bank has forwarded the credit  to  the beneficiary it  must have  been in

                       agreement with that condition, and the beneficiary in effecting shipment thereunder

                       signified its agreement to the credit terms and conditions.”
                           “As you say, the clause does not remove the obligation of the issuing bank to

                       honour conforming documents, presented by the beneficiary, in accordance with the
                       terms of the credit. Under this credit, the issuing bank would be obliged to honour

                       on the seventh day after the date of shipment.”
                           -摘錄自“For recent Banking Commission Opinions”ICC DCI Vol.8, No.4,

                       Oct-Dec 2002.

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