Page 208 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 208

192  進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析 (首篇)

                              起運港不符 (Port of loading not complied with L/C stipulated)。(6) 卸貨
                              港不符 (Port of discharge not complied with L/C stipulated)。(7) 不清潔

                              提單 (Unclean Bills of Lading)。(8) 傭船契約提單 (Charter Party B/L)。
                              (9) 備運提單 (Received for shipment B/L)。(10) 陳舊提單 (Stale B/L)。

                              (11) 艙面提單 (On Deck B/L)。(12) 帆船提單 (Sailing Vessel B/L)。(13)
                              貨運承攬商收據 (Forwarder’s Cargo Receipt)。(14) 空運提單代替海運

                              提單 (Air Waybill I/O Ocean B/L)。(15) 提單未列明運費已付或未付
                              (B/L does not evidence whether freight is paid or not)。(16) 裝船戳記未

                              列明日期 (On board stamp not dated)。(17) 裝船戳記未簽字 (On board
                              stamp not signed)

                            6. 保險單據方面:(1) 提示之保險單據,與信用狀規定不符 (Presentation

                              of an insurance of type other than that required by the credit)。(2) 保險項
                              目與信用狀規定不符 (Insurance risks covered  not as  specified in the
                              credit)。(3)  投保幣別與信用狀幣別不一致 (Insurance cover expressed

                              in a currency  other than that of the credit)。(4)  保險金額不足 (Under

                              Insured)。(5) 保險日期遲於裝船日期 (Insurance dated later than the date
                              of the shipping documents)。(6)  保險單未背書或背書不符 (Insurance

                              policy / certificate not endorsed correctly)。(7) 保險單之理賠地點與信用
                              狀規定不符 (Insurance policy indicating place of setting claim differ from

                              that in the credit)。
                            7.  單據一致性方面:(1)  押匯單據間嘜頭與號碼不一致 (Marks and

                              Numbers Differ Between Documents)。(2) 提單、保險單或匯票背書不
                              正確  (B/L, insurance document or  bill  of exchange not endorsed

                              correctly)。(3) 缺少信用狀規定文件 (Absence of documents called for in
                              the credit)。(4)  各單據間表示重量不同 (Weighted differ between
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