Page 9 - NO.149銀行家雜誌
P. 9


                  但從這個事件能看出,台灣與立陶宛關                            家,但兩國相似之處也僅限於此,真要建立穩
              係背後的基礎目前還不夠厚實。之前蔡政府的                             固關係,還是得從頭開始打地基。

              新南向政策所針對的東南亞國家,跟台灣多少                                 目前的立陶宛政府似乎相當努力改善對
              有一些相同的歷史經歷和文化習慣,但立陶宛                             台關係, 3月底還申請要在台北設立駐台經貿
              兩者都沒有。此外,立陶宛境內沒有大量台灣                             代表處;但另一個政府部門卻希望跟中國重
              人,台灣也沒有很多立陶宛人。                                   修舊好。事實上,在立陶宛外交部允許台灣

                  立陶宛的確跟台灣一樣都是新興民主國                            以「台灣」為名設立代表處之後,立陶宛總

              appeared petty and maladroit, while Taiwan came   countries that form the cornerstone of the Tsai

              across as savvy. For their part, Taiwan’s people   administration’s New Southbound Policy, Lithuania
              responded to the government’s call to support    has no historic or cultural ties with Taiwan. There
              Lithuania by purchasing the rum. 1,800 bottles   is neither a significant overseas  Taiwanese
              available for pre-order sold out in 15 minutes while   population in Lithuania, nor a large community of

              shoppers quickly snatched up another batch of 1,200   Lithuanians in Taiwan.
              in a retail Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corp. store.    To be sure, Lithuania and Taiwan have the
                  Yet beyond the positive publicity, it is unclear   shared experience of being young democracies
              what else Taiwan achieved. Rum is not a popular   living in the face of authoritarian giants but that
              spirit in Taiwan, so once the novelty wears off, the   is where their similarities end. That means the

              market opportunity for Lithuania is limited.     bilateral relationship needs to be constructed from
                  This speaks to a deeper problem: The Taiwan-  the ground up.
              Lithuania bilateral relationship does not yet rest    Though the current Lithuanian government
              on firm foundations. Unlike Southeast Asian      seems committed to its relationship with Taiwan

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.5月號 9

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