Page 12 - NO.149銀行家雜誌
P. 12

                Global View View

                  目前已知該中心的第一個計畫,是結合台                           進入歐洲的灘頭堡?
              固態碟型雷射技術。今年3月,台灣考察團帶                                  如果台灣真的在立陶宛建立了一座專門

              著這個計畫前往立陶宛,會見立陶宛經濟暨創                             服務歐洲市場的大型半導體工廠,它就會變成
              新部長阿爾莫奈特(Aušrinė  Armonaitė),                    一個前所未有的重要灘頭堡,進一步擴大台灣
              參觀網路與追蹤裝置製造商Teltonika、立陶宛                        半導體產業的全球影響力;同時可能也會讓歐
              物理科學暨科技中心(Lithuania's  Centre  for               洲的尖端科技供應鏈更快獲得彈性。汽車製造
              Physical Sciences and Technology)、雷射業者           業對歐洲國家非常重要,但目前晶片卻嚴重短

              Ekspla、Light Conversion、Eksma。                   缺,台灣的協助比過去任何時刻都更為關鍵。
                  目前看來,立陶宛官員似乎非常希望台灣                                在政府支持下,台灣半導體也許可以就此
              的半導體工廠能夠盡快承諾入駐該國。阿爾莫                             進軍歐洲。之前晶片業者對這種擴張計畫相當
              奈特在3月表示,「我們正在評估台積電、聯                             保留,認為獲益率很可能不夠;但政府的補貼

              華等公司前來設廠的投資機會。」                                  可以抵銷一部分的資本支出,而且根據Trading

                  In the face of China’s economic coercion of   strategic semiconductor sector in which Taiwanese
              Lithuania, Taiwan should aim to deepen trade and   companies are global leaders. In February, the
              investment ties with Vilnius. Doing so would help   Taiwan and Lithuania Center for Semiconductors
              blunt efforts to appease China while illustrating   and Materials Science opened in Vilnius.
              that Taiwan’s importance to Lithuania goes beyond     Its first project will reportedly be to develop

              shared political values.                         thin-disc solid state laser using advanced crystal
                  The Tsai Ing-wen administration has already   and laser technology from both countries. In
              taken some steps in the right direction. It has   March, a Taiwanese delegation arrived in Lithuania
              announced a US$200 million fund to prioritize    with this project on the agenda. They met with

              investment in Lithuania and a US$1 billion credit   Lithuanian Economy and Innovation Minister
              fund to facilitate bilateral economic cooperation.   Aušrinė Armonaitė  and  visited  the  production
              The credit loan fund will be available to any    facility of networking and tracking device maker
              project that benefits the development of Taiwan   Teltonika, Lithuania’s Centre for Physical Sciences
              and Lithuania relations, Kung Ming-hsin, chief of   and Technology, and laser producers Ekspla, Light

              Taiwan's National Development Council (NDC),     Conversion and Eksma.
              said in January.                                      Lithuanian officials appear eager to secure
                  At the same time,  Taiwan has signaled       Taiwan’s commitment to build a semiconductor
              interest in cooperating with Lithuania in the highly   fabrication facility in Lithuania. “We are in the

         12   台灣銀行家2022.5月號

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