Page 14 - NO.149銀行家雜誌
P. 14

                Global View

              中國停止與立陶宛貿易往來之前,立陶宛的雷                             國市場,可以一定程度抵抗北京當局的威脅。
              射產品大約有三分之一都是賣給中國,只有                              相較之下,大部分國家的企業跟政府都無法捨
              2%賣給台灣。但在立陶宛的政策轉向台灣之                             棄中國市場的巨大誘因,經常在權衡之下犧牲

              後,賣給台灣的產品應該可以增加。                                 台灣的權益。台灣若能跟立陶宛、捷克、斯洛
                  如果台灣成功在立陶宛建造了晶片廠,                            伐克合作,將獲得珍貴的機會。
              之後就可以考慮繼續前往捷克和斯洛伐克,                                   台灣的市場規模永遠不可能比得上中國,
              這兩國都對與台灣合作半導體相當有興趣。                              但台灣擁有許多重要的戰略性科技,而且擁有
              國發會主委龔明鑫2021年11月曾說,台灣                            一個遵守全球貿易規則的自由民主社會,比中

              將成立與立陶宛、捷克、斯洛伐克的工作小                              國更值得信賴。在俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭之後,各
              組,推動與這些國家合作生產晶片,並提供                              國都看到北京的反應,它不僅沒有譴責俄國,反
              技術培訓獎學金。                                         而把罪怪到美國跟北約的頭上,這時候台灣前述
                  立陶宛、捷克、斯洛伐克三國,在與中國                           優勢的重要性更是不言可喻。(作者為台灣金融

              合作時都相當謹慎,因此目前並不嚴重依賴中                             研訓院外籍特聘研究員;譯者為廖珮杏)

              industry is a global leader in many areas, silicon   and also provide scholarships for technical training.                               AD
              photonics is not one of them. Cooperating with       All three of these Eastern European countries
              Lithuania could help Taiwanese chipmakers narrow   are wary of close cooperation with China and
              the gap with Intel, generally considered a pioneer   have flexibility to push back against Beijing due
              in silicon photonics technology.                 to limited reliance on its markets. Therein lies an

                  Before China blocked trade with Lithuania,   unusual opportunity for Taiwan, which often sees
              Vilnius exported about 1/3 of its laser products to   its  interests  compromised  because  firms  and
              China and just 2% to Taiwan, Quartz noted in a   governments prioritize access to the enormous
              January report. Now that Lithuania is prioritizing   China market.

              ties with Taipei, it could sell more lasers to Taiwan.  Taiwan can never compete with China on
                  Should  Taiwan successfully develop a        market size, but it can offer advanced strategically
              chipmaking facility in Lithuania, it could consider   important technology and the trustworthiness that
              setting up fabs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia   comes with being a free-market liberal democracy
              as well. Both countries have expressed interest in   that plays by the rules of global trade.  Those
              working with Taiwan on semiconductors. NDC head   attributes have become more important than ever

              Kung said in November that Taiwan would set up   in the wake of Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine
              working groups with Lithuania, the Czech Republic   that Beijing has failed to condemn, and indeed, for
              and Slovakia focused on chipmaking cooperation   which it blames the United States and NATO.

         14   台灣銀行家2022.5月號

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