Page 10 - NO.149銀行家雜誌
P. 10

                Global View

              統瑙塞達(Gitanas  Nauseda)甚至還表達了                     好能得到什麼利益,但反抗中國一定會帶來
              遺憾。                                              傷害。事實上北京當局的回應方式,也的確
                  瑙塞達接受立陶宛的Žinių  radijas廣播電                   是去刁難那些與中國做生意的立陶宛商人。

              台訪問時表示,「我認為讓台灣設立代表處並                             根據中國海關總署資料,中國今年前2個月
              沒有問題。但用這個名字設立,會強烈影響我                             進口立陶宛商品(主要是精鍊銅、家具、小
              們跟中國的關係。」                                        麥)的總額,以美元計算,比去年同期減少
                  這種公然挑戰北京一個中國政策的作法,                           了88.5%。
              似乎也讓立陶宛民眾感到相當掙扎。立陶宛外                                  其實中國與立陶宛之間直接貿易的額度

              交部委託進行的一項民調顯示,只有13%的受                            並不高,2020年只有20億美元,但北京依然
              訪者支持政府的對台政策。                                     利用全球供應鏈的複雜特性,來施壓維爾紐
              投資建立新友誼                                          陶宛,只要中國拒絕接受任何來自立陶宛的

                  立陶宛民眾之所以會懷疑是否應該對台友                                今年1月底,德國–波羅的海商會(German-
              好的原因之一,就是目前還看不出跟台灣交                              Baltic  Chamber  of  Commerce)致函立陶宛

              – and indeed it filed an application in late March   about their government’s decision to challenge
              to open a representative office in Taipei – there   Beijing’s one-China principle. Just 13% of those
              is a risk that a different administration in Vilnius   surveyed in an opinion poll commissioned by
              might want to seek reproach with China. In fact,   Lithuania’s Foreign Ministry supported the

              Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda has         government’s Taiwan policy.
              expressed regret about Taiwan being permitted to
              open a representative office in Vilnius using the   Money talks
              name “Taiwan.”

                  "I think it was not the opening of the            One reason the Lithuanian public may
              Taiwanese office that was a mistake. It was its   hesitate to embrace a close relationship with
              name, which was not coordinated with me,"        Taiwan is that the benefits for them are uncertain,
              Nauseda told the Lithuanian radio station Žinių   while the drawbacks of throwing down the gauntlet
              radijas. "The name of the office has become the   to China are evident. Indeed, Beijing’s actions

              key factor that now strongly affects our relations   are targeted to cause maximum economic pain
              with China.                                      for Lithuanians engaged in business with China.
                  The Lithuanian public also seems ambivalent   China’s imports from Lithuania – mainly refined

         10   台灣銀行家2022.5月號

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