Page 11 - NO.149銀行家雜誌
P. 11

外交部長和經濟部長,指出中國已停止購買                              與立陶宛的貿易與投資關係,藉此削弱中國
              立陶宛商品。商會要求兩位部長降低立陶宛                              行動的實際效果,同時讓台灣對立陶宛的意
              與中國的緊張關係,指出「商會內許多企業                              義,不再侷限於擁有共同的政治價值而已。

              的基本商業模式已經因此出現問題……如果                                   蔡政府目前已經以這個方向往前踏出了幾
              狀況持續下去,其中某些可能被迫撤出立陶                              步,它宣布設立一個2億美元的基金,優先投資
              宛」。                                              立陶宛;並設立另一個10億美元的信貸基金,
                  目前立陶宛依然堅持立場,中國的態度                            用來促進兩國經濟合作。國家發展委員會主委
              也絲毫不見退讓。而歐盟執委會則是因中國                              龔明鑫在1月份表示,該信貸基金將支援所有能

              對立陶宛的「歧視性貿易作法」,向世界貿                              夠加速台立兩國關係進展的計畫。
              易組織(W T O)提出訴訟。歐盟貿易執委瓦                                另一方面,台灣也表示願意與立陶宛共
              迪斯‧鄧布洛夫斯基(Valdis  Dombrovskis)                   同發展半導體,半導體不僅是當代關鍵的戰
              在聲明中表示,「這項違反世貿組織規則的                              略物資,而且是台灣的強項。今年2月,兩

              行動,已經威脅到歐洲單一市場的完整性,                              國已於維爾紐斯成立「台立半導體暨材料科
              歐盟決定團結起來迅速處理。」                                   學中心」(Taiwan  and  Lithuania  Center  for
                  要面對中國的經濟施壓,台灣就該加強                            Semiconductors and Materials Science)。

              copper, furniture and wheat – fell 88.5% in dollar   products to China had stopped.  The chamber
              terms on an annual basis in the first two months   urged the  ministers  to deescalate  with  China,
              of the year, according to data compiled by China’s   emphasizing that “the basic business model of the
              General Administration of Customs.               companies is in question and some ... will have

                  Though bilateral trade between China and     no other choice than to shut down production in
              Lithuania is limited – just US$2 billion in 2020 –   Lithuania.”
              Beijing is exploiting the complexity of global supply   For now, Lithuania is standing its ground and
              chains to try and browbeat Vilnius into submission.   China shows no sign of offering concessions. The

              For instance, the German auto industry sources   European Union, meanwhile, launched a case
              certain machinery parts from Lithuania. If China   against China at the World Trade Organization
              refuses to accept any products with Lithuanian   (WTO) over its discriminatory trade practices
              inputs,  then  some  European  companies  will  be   against Lithuania. “The EU is determined to act
              stuck between a rock and a hard place.           as one and act fast against measures in breach

                  In early January, the German-Baltic Chamber   of WTO rules, which threaten the integrity of our
              of Commerce said in a letter to Lithuania's foreign   Single Market,” European Trade Commissioner
              and economy ministers that the sale of Lithuanian   Valdis Dombrovskis said in a statement.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.5月號 11

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