Page 71 - 進出口外匯實務
P. 71

2    進口開狀

                 4.   買方  遠期信用狀,       開  狀  銀行  以到期   方式付款     之  補  償條

                    款  舉  例如下:
                     On receipt of documents conforming to the terms and

                     conditions of this credit, we wi  ll pay the negotiating bank at
                     maturity with interest at curr  ent rate in accordance with their

                     instruction. Acceptance commissions and discount charges are
                     for applicant’s account.

                 5.   到期  付款:   即  賣方  遠期信用狀之        補  償方式   ,其   條款  舉

                     O receipt of documents co  nforming to the terms and
                     conditions of this credit, we   will pay the negotiating

                     bank at maturity in accordance with their instruction.
                     Acceptance commissions a  nd discount charges are for

                     beneficiary’s account.


                 依據   UCP600  第  6  條  b  項之規定,信用狀須         敘明   其  使 用  方

            式  究 為即期    付款  、 延期   付款   、  承兌  或  讓購  ,此等   使  用  方式依據
            UCP600   第  2  條  定  義  之規定,  分別  說明  如下:

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