Page 537 - 進出口外匯實務
P. 537

6    外幣保證


            request  the  At of     (  申請人名稱                   , we hereby
            issue our irrevocable Standby   Letter of Credit No.      (  信用狀號碼  )

                          (hereinafter called “the Cred  it”) in your favor for an

            amount not exceeding in the aggregate USD        (信用狀金
            額           , effective immediately a  nd expiring at our counter
            on (  信用狀有效日期               .

            Funds under this Credit are ava  ilable to you against your sight
            draft(s) drawn on us, mentioni  ng thereon our Credit No.      (  信用狀
            號碼               . Each such draft must be accompanied by your
            signed written statement to the effect   that the amount of the draft

            then being presented represents the full payment of unpaid
            invoices in accordance with the   purchase order(s) from applicant.

            It is a condition that this Cred  it will automatically extend without

            amendment for one year from th   e then expiry date unless we
            notify you 30 days before the ex  piry date that we elect not to
            extend the expiry date. Upon then, you may draw your sight

            draft(s) on us for an amount no  t exceeding the unused balance of
            this Credit, mentioning our Credit No.(  信用狀號碼)

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