Page 539 - 進出口外匯實務
P. 539

6    外幣保證

            (十一)借款         (  融資  )   保證之擔保信用狀範例

            Standby Letter of Credit No.         (  信用狀號碼
            Applicant      :    (  申請人名稱   /  地址
            Beneficiary    :     (  受益人名稱   / 地址
            Amount       :  USD (  信用狀金額
            Expiry Date      : At our counter on      (  信用狀有效日期  )

            At the request of      (  申請人名稱  )      , we hereby issue our irrevocable
            Standby Letter of Credit No. (  信用狀號碼  ) in your favor for an sum or

            sums not exceeding in the aggregate USD (  信用狀金額     )     (U.S.

            Dollars (  信用狀大金額   ) only) to cover your extending the credit facility
            to (XYZ Bank’s customer name and address) effective immediately and   信用狀有效日期  )   .
            expiring at our counter on (

            Funds under this Standby Letter of Credit are available to you against
            your sight draft(s) drawn on us, ment  ioning thereon our Standby Letter
            of Credit No. (  信用狀號碼              . Each such draft must be
            accompanied by your signed written   statement certifying that the

            amount drawn hereunder represents the unpaid indebtedness and interest

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