Page 535 - 進出口外匯實務
P. 535

6    外幣保證


                 倘  一交易之    履  行係  連續   分次  完成   ,則相   關  之保證    函  內容應

            予  以 納  入,  尤  其是預付款保證,在此            情況  下,保證     函  之金額   即
            開證銀行之       義  務  亦 應  隨  之 遞減  ,茲  將  相 關  之保證  函條  款  舉  例  如

            下  供參  :                    Quote

                                            guarantee will be reduced by
            The maximum amount of this
            ____________% of the total valu  e of each part-shipment against

            presentation to us of copies   of the relevant invoice(s) and
            transport document(s).

            This guarantee shall expire when,   on the basis of copies of the

            documents mentioned above, we     have reduced the guarantee
            amount to zero, or on _______  ____________ (date), whichever is

            the earlier. Our liability to you   under this guarantee will then
            cease and the guarantee will be of no further effect.


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