Page 533 - 進出口外匯實務
P. 533

6    外幣保證

            Your demand for payment must alsobe accompanied by the
            following document(s):
            (specify document(s) if any, or delete)

            This guarantee shall expire on_(  保證函有效日期     )
                            at the latest.

            Consequently, any demand for paym  ent under it must be received
            by us at this office on or before that date.

              This guarantee is subject to the   Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantee
                              ICC Publication No.458.

            In consideration of your issuing your guarantee as above, we
            hereby give you our irrevoc     able counter-guarantee and
            undertake to pay you any sum or   sums not exceeding in total
            an amount of ____________       ________________________
            (say,_______________________ )      upon receipt by us at this
            office no later than ________________________ of your
            first written demand. Such   demand shall be supported by
            your written statement that   you have received a demand for
            payment under your guarantee in accordance with its terms

            Guarantee.  and with Article 20 of th  e Uniform Rules for Demand

              This guarantee is subject to the   Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantee
                              ICC Publication No.458.

            Please confirm to us the is  suance of your guarantee.

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