Page 532 - 進出口外匯實務
P. 532


            (六)依據相對保證函轉開保證函                            (Instructions to a

                   Correspondent Bank for the   Issue of a OOO Guarantee
                   Against a Counter-Guarantee)

            Text of Instruction

            Our reference number _  相對保證函編號         ______

            At the request of _(  申請人   )_         __  __ please issue on
            our responsibility in favour of (

            guarantee in the following wording:  受益人  )              your

            We have been informed that ____(  申請人名稱     /  地址  ) __________,
            (hereinafter called “the Principa  l”), responding to   your invitation
            to tender No. (  招標之號碼    )_____________   dated __(  招標日期   )
            for the supply of _(  貨物及   /  或勞務之說明       )____________  ___
            (description of goods and/or services)  投標號碼  )__     _   dated _(  投標日期 , has submitted to you his   )_  _____.
            offer No.(

            Furthermore, we understand that  , according to your conditions,
            offers must be supported by a tender guarantee.

            At the request of the Principal, we  (name of bank)   (  開證銀行名
            稱  )_      _ __  _   hereby irrevocably undert  ake to pay you any sum
            or sums not exceeding in total an amount of _(  保證函金額       ) _
            _              (say: _ (  保證函大寫金額     )
                             ) upon receipt by us of   your first demand in
            writing and your written statement stating:
            i)    that the Principal is in br  each of his obligation(s) under the
            tender conditions; and
            ii)      the respect in which th  e Principal is in breach.

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