Page 238 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-貳篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 238

226  進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析 (貳篇)

                       二、依據 UCP600 第 16 條 c 項 iii 款之規定,信用狀之開狀銀行、保兌銀
                           行 (如有者)、或代理之指定銀行,如予拒付時,該項通知敘明

                            (a) 銀行留置單據待提示人進一步之指示;或
                            (b)  銀行留置單據直至收到申請人拋棄瑕疵之主張,且同意接受拋棄

                            (c) 銀行退還單據;或

                            (d) 銀行正依先前自提示人收到之指示而作為。

                            人 (決議內容如下)。
                           Article 8 (1974)…ICC Publication No.371 P24

                           Entitlement to non-conforming documents:

                           The Commission decided that in principle the  documents belonged to
                       the beneficiary as long as he had not been paid for them, and that he was
                       therefore entitled to demand that the documents be returned to him when he

                       had been advised that they did not comply with the credit.

                           (Meeting on 8 March 1976) (ICC Documents 470/273, 470/278)

                       徵得寄單銀行 (如押匯銀行) 轉洽出口商之同意,以防糾紛之發生。
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