Page 325 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-參篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 325

第四章  進口押匯及保證  311

                                  Under this contract,        should provide a down payment guarantee for
                                an amount of:
                                   (ONE MILLION TEN THOUSAND             )

                                being 10% of the amount of the contract.
                                  In view of the foregoing, we the undersigned        with a capital of
                                whose  registered  office  is  at        by  order  and  for  account  of  our
                                customer.      guarantee you the repayment up to a maximum amount

                                (ONE MILLION TEN THOUSAND              )
                                should our customer        fail to fulfil its contractual obligations.

                                  Our guarantee will come into force upon receipt of the amount of
                                at the counters of        and in favour of

                                  Our  guarantee  will  be  reduced  on  each  delivery  made  by
                                proportion to the value of each delivery, justified by presentation to
                                of the corresponding documents.
                                   Our guarantee will therefore be valid until the final delivery and at the
                                latest on       .
                                  In case of failure, a call under our guarantee should be notified to us by
                                registered  letter  certifying  that               failed  to  fulfil  its  contractual
                                obligations.  This call must reach us at the latest on
                                  Beyond this date, our guarantee will automatically become null and void
                                its restitution being not necessary for its cancellation and no claim will be
                                acceptable in respect of our commitment.

                                  We remain.

                                                                               Yours Faithfully.

                                訂金保證函受益人(即買方或進口商)。                    訂金保證函號碼。            賣方  (即

                             出口商名稱)。         合約號碼。         預期發票號碼。          貨品名稱。        總金額。
                                信用狀號碼  (即買方所開之信用狀號碼)。                     開狀銀行名稱。          通知銀
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