Page 328 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-參篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 328

314  進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析  (參篇)

                           We.    (5)    Hung  Kong  (hereinafter  referred  to  as  the “ Issuing
                       Bank”)hereby Issue our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit on (6) In your
                       favor for account of (申請人名稱及詳細地址) (7) for an aggregate amount
                       of  USD  (8)  (小寫金額)(U.S.  Dollars  (9)  大寫金額 only).    This  amount
                       covers all the obligations (principal amount plus interest accrued) due to you
                       arising  from  granting  RMB  credit  facility  to  (借款人名稱及詳細地址)。
                           This  standby  Letter  of  Credit  is  available  for  sight  payment  upon
                       presentation of your demand claim by authenticated SWIFT or tested telex,
                       mentioning  thereon  our  Letter  of  Credit  No.(11)  certifying  that  (借款人名
                       稱) (12) has failed to repay its indebtedness due to you being the outstanding
                       principal amount plus the accrued interest.
                           Upon receipt of your authenticated SWIFT or tested telex, we shall pay
                       you within 7 banking days the amount specified in your claim.
                           This Credit is valid until (B13) (有效期限) on or before 5:00pm at our
                       counter  and  will  become  null  and  void  automatically  after  the  aforesaid
                       expiry date.
                           Claims  hereunder,  if  any,  must  by  received  by  us  on  or  prior  to  the
                       expiry date of this Credit.
                           This  Credit  sets  forth  the  full  terms  of  our  undertaking  and  such
                       undertaking  shall  not  in  any  way  be  modified,  amended  or  amplified  by
                       reference to any document or instrument referred to herein or to which this
                       Credit relates and shall not be deemed to incorporate by reference any such
                       document or Instrument.
                           The place of payment of the undertaking shall be at Hong Kong.
                           This Credit is to be returned to (14) Hong Kong once the purpose of its
                       Issuance has been fulfilled or upon its expiration.
                           This  Credit  is  subject  to  the  International  Standby  Practices  1998,
                       International Chambers of Commerce Publication No.590(“ISP98”)(15)
                            1. 開狀銀行擔保信用狀號碼。

                            2. 大陸銀行名稱地址(即客戶欲向其申請貨款之銀行)及聯絡人。
                            3. 擔保信用狀之有效期限。

                            4. 轉開擔保信用狀之信用狀號碼(如香港分行開狀號碼)。
                            5. 轉開信用狀之開狀銀行 (如××銀行香港分行)。

                            6. 擔保信用狀號碼 (與 4 同)。
                            7. 申請人名稱及地址 (即客戶名稱)。
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