Page 13 - NO.147銀行家雜誌
P. 13

的崛起》(The  Rise  of  Technosocialism,             個話題遠超過了金融業的範疇,但金融業者提
              書名暫譯);他在書中指出,我們可以用科                              供的支付方式,確實反映出它們正在為自己
              技掌控力v s.混亂,以及排斥v s.包容兩個軸                         選擇怎樣的未來。

              線,把未來的走向分成四塊:放棄科技掌控                                   金恩也指出,這些不同的未來走向都跟環
              並且排斥異己的擺爛主義(Failedistan)、                        境密切相關。每個國家如何主動涉入綠色轉
              放棄掌控但包容異己的反科技主義                                  型,一定會大幅影響該國經濟,也會大幅影
              (Luddistan)、用新科技大力掌控但排斥異                         響該國社會的治理能力,及該國面對全新挑
              己的新封建主義(N e o-F e u d a l i s m),以及              戰的能力。卡尼也同意這項觀察,他認為綠

              善用新科技掌控同時包容異己的科技社會主義                             色轉型將直接關係各國未來國力,「未來的
              (Technosocialism);前面三個走向都很淒慘,                    強國一定是環保大國。」(本文作者為台灣金
              只有科技社會主義才是美好的明天。當然,這                             融研訓院特聘外籍研究員;譯者為廖珮杏)

              makes up the primary bank account for 50% of its   business over time.” He estimates that the US is
              48 million customers.                            around seven years behind China in that respect.

                  WeBank, with a market cap of US$ 70 billion      King also mentioned his new book, The Rise
              and customer base of 200 million, has a CAC of   of Technosocialism, which creates a framework of
              US$ 0.75.                                        four futures along the two axes of chaos versus
                  The  way these challengers are reducing      planning, and inclusion versus exclusion: luddistan,
              their acquisition cost is through contextual finance.   failedistan, neo-feudalism, and technosocialism.

              “Plastic” (i.e. credit cards) is no longer exciting;   Only the latter scenario is an optimistic vision
              rather, a payment services layer is being embedded   for the future. This topic clearly goes far beyond
              within digital ecosystems. This format has several   banking, but payments are a quite fundamental
              advantages,  including  ease  of  data  collection,   aspect of economic activity.

              lower transaction costs, and programmability. Most   King also mentioned that these futures have
              importantly, it enables “digital scaling” for innovative   an important environmental component. Proactive
              companies who are able to grasp the trends: lower   management of the green transition will have
              costs can eventually reflect in higher revenue.  important impacts on the economy, and will further
                   “Clearly, mobile wallets are the future of   reflect society’s overall management capabilities

              banking, not plastic,” King said, “yet the transition   and resilience towards novel challenges. As Mr.
              from incumbents to this new modality is quite    Carney also noted, this is a question of national
              slow.” “If you are a bank and you’re still issuing   power. “Great powers are going to be green
              credit cards, you are going to see a decline in that   powers,” he said.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.3月號 13

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