Page 8 - NO.147銀行家雜誌
P. 8

                Global View




                                                                                      撰文:David Stinson孫維德

              地     球上最重要的碳儲存機制是什麼?從太                          大量金額,以發展減碳科技。減碳投資對金融
              量二氧化碳穩定了地球氣候,葉綠素也讓世界                             老化等巨大趨勢差不多。
              各地綠意盎然。                                               這就是第15屆亞洲金融論壇的討論主題

                  同樣地,只要用宏觀的俯瞰角度,也一                            之一。本次論壇在2022年1月10日至11日舉
              眼就能看出,減碳科技在金融體系中的巨大                              行,前幾年的主題集中在亞洲,但今年的範
              影響潛力。早從2008年金融危機之前,全球                            圍更廣,訂為「引領未來新常態,邁向永續
              總體經濟就一直有「儲蓄過剩」的現象;但                              發展」。嘉賓的演講包羅萬象,從近期金融
              在未來幾年,人類剛好需要投資同等規模的                              展望、銀行業的未來、香港的國際地位都有。

              AFF 2022 : Green Energy and Green Power

              The amount of investment over required over the next few years will be equivalent to the
              entire “savings glut” which has characterized global macroeconomics since prior to the
              2008 financial crisis.

                   ne of the Earth’s most important carbon     technologies at scale will likewise affect the
              Ostorage mechanisms is easily visible from       financial system in ways that will be easily visible
              space. Vegetation stores enough carbon to        from a top-level perspective.  The amount of

              profoundly impact the climate, and chlorophyll for   investment over required over the next few years
              photosynthesis also gives the continental land   will be equivalent to the entire “savings glut” which
              masses their green hue.                          has characterized global macroeconomics since
                  The application of human carbon mitigation   prior to the 2008 financial crisis. Based on this

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