Page 12 - NO.147銀行家雜誌
P. 12

                Global View

              上門的。因此B C A C跟付費招募的C A C數字                       務比過去的金融方式更容易蒐集客戶資料、交
              不同)只有5美元;該行目前有4,800萬名客                           易成本更低,而且可以用程式改良交易流程。
              戶,其中50%把Nubank當成主要銀行;該公司                         最重要的是,掌握趨勢的新創公司可以用這種

              在2021年12月上市,共募得500億美元。                           方式「數位擴張」:以低廉的成本快速招募顧
                  中國的微眾銀行市值700億美元,擁有2                          客,獲得大量收入,規模快速成長。
              億名客戶,其付費招募每個客戶的成本是0.75                                金恩認為「銀行業未來一定會從信用卡轉
              美元。                                              向行動錢包;但傳統銀行目前轉型的步伐慢得
                  這些新秀的招募成本有辦法這麼低,是                            可怕」,「如果貴銀行現在還在發行信用卡,

              因為它們將金融業務整合在其他數位服務之                              你們不久就會發現這塊餅越來越小。」他認為
              中。信用卡這種「塑膠貨幣」現在已經不潮                              美國在這部分的趨勢落後中國整整7年。
              了,線上的支付服務才是王道。線上支付服                                   金恩也提到他新出版的《科技社會主義

              funding can do so. One major effect of financial   use of cash-based stimulus, funded by easy money?
              instability would be to reduce overall risk tolerance,   Such issues may be addressed in future AFF forums.

              which could most deeply impact these projects.
              Climate stress tests can pick up financial stability   Scaling through customer acquisition
              risks from the climate, but risk pathways in the other
              direction may also be important and complex.          Economic projections were not the only topic
                  Meanwhile, a further issue for discussion in the   of the event. Another session featured Brett King,

              coming year by people who understand the nexus   founder and Executive Chair of Moven, a financial
              between macroeconomics and green finance will be   services company, and author of the well-known
              the politics of energy inflation. The inflation that has   Bank 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 series of books. King spoke
              dominated headlines so far and affected low-income   about the new challenger bank model, built from

              people the most has been concentrated in energy,   fintech and “techfin” startups.
              due largely to a constrained recovery in natural gas.   The key financial metric in their model is their
              Broadly speaking, this price movement would be a   lower customer acquisition cost. King noted that
              fortuitous development for those who seek to transition   Nubank, the Brazil-based neobank and largest
              away from fossil fuels, but the backlash is a worrisome   fintech  bank  in  Latin America,  has  a  blended

              sign for future efforts. If energy is expected to become   customer acquisition cost of only US$ 5. (Blended
              a larger part of consumption baskets, must central   cost is a measure of variable acquisition costs only,
              banks become more hawkish about the remaining    as distinguished from fully loaded CAC.) Nubank
              portions? Or would this instead call for more generous   IPO’d for US$ 50 billion in December 2021, and

         12   台灣銀行家2022.3月號

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