Page 74 - NO.142銀行家雜誌
P. 74

               Special Issue



              台灣金融研訓院舉辦了線上國際金融科技大會,主題為數位轉型的三大要件―― 人工智慧、區
                                                                                採訪、撰文:David Stinson孫維德

                    年 8 月 20 日,台灣金融研訓院舉辦了一                     中一個或多個領域打造出新利基。
              今 場線上國際金融科技大會(International                           安侯建業聯合會計師事務所(K P M G)
              FinTech  Conference),主題是數位轉型的三大                  負責分享人工智慧這一塊。新加坡K P M G亞

              要件――  人工智慧、區塊鏈、雲端轉型。三個                           太區法証會計主管林靖國(Lem  Chin  Kok)
              關鍵正好分別涉及數位轉型的統計、金融、計                             舉了幾個案例來說明自動化資料探勘(D a t a
              算機層面,每個層面對應一整個專業領域。金                             mining)的好處。其中一個案例是使用非監督
              融機構必須了解這三方面,而某些公司將在其                             式學習來提出警報,這種模式並不事先設定

              The ABCs of Digital Transformation are Not so Basic

              TABF held an online International Fintech Conference featuring the ABCs of digital
              transformation – AI, blockchain, and cloud. Financial institutions will need to understand
              each of these concepts, and certain firms will develop niches in one or more of these

                   n August 20, TABF held an online International   in one or more of these areas.
              OFintech Conference featuring the ABCs of digital    The AI segment was represented by the global

              transformation – AI, blockchain, and cloud. These   accountancy firm KPMG. Lem Chin Kok, Head of
              three elements naturally cover the statistical, financial,   Forensic, Asia Pacific, used several cases to describe
              and computational aspects of digital transformation,   the benefits of automated data mining. One case used
              respectively, each of which is an entire field into itself.   unsupervised learning to guide alerts. Rather than
              Financial institutions will need to understand each of   starting with the result to be determined, it simply finds
              these concepts, and certain firms will develop niches   patterns among cases before feeding the resulting

         74   台灣銀行家2021.10月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79